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Everything posted by Charlie4

  1. Thanks for your help! I'll be sure to check them out. I like the fact that they released karaoke versions of the songs. Very cool. Most be popular in Japan? (karaoke that is) derex3592: Oh man, you're going to love watching them in their original format! I've just got into the series some 27? years after the release and it's now one of my favorites. Can't wait to watch DYRL (just for completion sake) and Macross Plus next. Oh, and flashback if I can find it.
  2. Yes, it's that one and another I found completely by luck. It's about 4min long and instrumental only. Here's the youtube link.
  3. Think I've got the right thread this time around. I'd really like to purchase the soundtrack for Macross if it's still available online, however I want to make sure I buy the right collection. What album has the full instrumental version of "Runner"? Having seen only SDF Macross so far, that's my favorite ballad of the bunch.
  4. I must have it mixed up with another song of the 80's then. Sure is a great song though! Thanks for clearing that up for me. Makes me want to find the soundtrack now! I apologize, I didn't see the newbie thread up there.
  5. First, I must praise the series! I've heard a lot about Robotech, but it seemed like a show suited for young kids without a deep plot/characters. Well I stumbled upon a review of SDF Macross and learned it was the original version of Robotech. With it's rave reviews, I decided to buy it. I'm sure glad I did! There's something about the classic look and feel of it that I really took a liking to that you just don't see anymore. The story really surprised me, as well as the music. During the last episode I was on the edge of my seat with fists clenched hoping Hikaru would make the right choice regarding his love interests. I ended up listening to the Japanese audio tracks with subs. The voices/singing sounded much better. This is definitely a classic in my book. Anyway, I do have a question. I'm trying to figure out the name of the last song that starts playing as Misa's? hand closes the scrapbook and the credits start rolling in episode 36. The instrumental ballad before the singing starts is very soothing. I swear I've heard the song playing off of one of my mother's old tapes before, yet obviously it's not in English, so I'm stumped and confused. :| Can anyone place a finger on it? Am I going crazy?
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