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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. These are from a local con. There was also a crappy SMS squadron ppl running around. This is the clean pose.
  2. It'll be a while for my idea. Funding is funny at the moment. I have 50% of the equation but need the other half. (Saving for Ozma custom armored ver.) me understand now. I needs more learnin. Anyway.... my idea involves Klan, Nanase and a Gundam losing due to a nose bleed.
  3. after watching dougbendo's vid cast i've come to the conclusion that he is missing a few screws. i'm glad that youtube made some of his videos unavilable in my country.
  4. Dang it you took my idea. oh well. good job. Macross vs. gundam is forbidden?
  5. oh, well. maybe by then the whole legal situation will be cleared up. off topic: know of a good translation program for web pages?
  6. maybe some of that will be included in the movie? wish someone would translate it for reading purposes. Dnag it I need to start learning japanese.
  7. there's an m7 reference?! i dont really remeber much of m7.
  8. You have to remember he's from the future. he's Lived robotech
  9. seriously? is he on something? im at the part where he talks about he LIVED robotech. :blink: Robotech: The Untold Story better than DYRL. no.
  10. idk what to say about this. other than he may be mentally unstable. If he's the face of robotech what happens when switches to macross?
  11. No I just hate bad acting. i was thinking Roy: Nathan Fillion miria: Morena Baccarin Claudia LaSalle: Gina Torres Misa/lisa Hayase: Rachel Weisz everyone else idk. yet...
  12. that makes even more sense, imput my word and it sounds like she fell ill.
  13. that ruined my buzz i had going of watching awesome things. now your make me do a fantasy casting of it.
  14. thx. interesting stuff. you mean feel right?
  15. Not sure if this counts as news or anything Sgt. frog Does Hg actually get profits from that or no? If so does mean Hg can say we did something with the franchise so we still keep the rights. Am I the only one who finds that funny? pulled from that idiots channel.
  16. or a new definition of the Ranka Attack.
  17. We find out where Ranka gets her blood lust from!
  18. Anyone think its possible to design it around gerwalk mode? That could actually improve the floppiness
  19. so..... anyone find out any new info?
  20. Nothing i felt should contribute something instead of continuously going off topic like right now.
  21. Yes. I"d buy the version that's out now. I've always wanted one ever since i found out they made em. The only compliant I've heard that would erk me is the lack of a locking mechanism in the chest for battleroid. EDIT: also what's the gullet issue that ppl are talking about?
  22. no. saving yamato macross/
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