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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. They are getting restless. Which spawns horrible grammar. I found it funny how the highly devoted fans will find any type of obscure example to prove their point. Or when the have a point HG's PR dept. steps in with BS to calm the masses. Which half way worked.
  2. That sounds more like Robotech than Macross. Maybe there Drinking Protoculture.
  3. Are they drinking fuel?
  4. After looking at it some more while i'm awake. Luca = classmate. and Bobby=women?
  5. I dunno but watermelons got me. That and how on ranka it has a marker for chest and it on her arm.
  6. I think the thought of someone out there Hanging on to every word Dougbendo says and treating it as if it is thought inspiring and motivational. Makes feel upset and confused. And at a loss for words. Now if you said as a comedy routine then I'd understand Because I Laugh when i think about his vlog considering part of it is unavailable in my country.
  7. he actually has fans... who listen to him? WHY?!!
  8. You Mean you don't want to see a Michael "EXPLOSION, have to mobilize the military every 5 sec" Bay macross themed series. It could always be a Dragon wars themed macross.
  9. You have to remember Dougbendo is from the future. Maybe that was too far into the future for him. That or he had pulled control lever "F" instead of "B". The Ron Jeremy Veritech. Will be the next HG Toynami release/ re branding.
  10. I watched his vlogs. after watching them i feel he needs to take some sort of medication. for his and everyone own good/ safety. It was the line" when i put these glasses on I'm totally different person. I'm like Clark Kent with these glasses on." or something along those lines. It had me LMAO. But he is from the future. Also the line: "I pull control lever 'B'"
  11. they have distribution rights of all( or most of ) Macross items outside of japan. If I'm wrong correct me.
  12. So in the Robotech universe you give a girl a bouquet of star-ship fuel then you kiss her? Maybe they take the fuel douse someone in it and set them on fire. Then yelling PROTOCULTURE!! As they burn up. That or protoculture is the power of sex.
  13. Ballerina Max? Good poses though.
  14. I've seen that video before. And it does look nice. But it would it have been as cool shown on the big screen? Would you have been convinced that this was a alien sentient robot in disguise as a vehicle. would you have been impressed or just meh they did that back in 1985 and they could have done a lot better. Also toy engineering has come a very long way Me. Every time some one says let make a DC fighting game I keep thinking of MK vs DC. That and the Joker is too Psycho for that universe. But they will still see it. Be it legally or illegally. They will still some how see it. Even if it is crap or if its been re-worked to the point it can pass as a SDFM movie. Because Love triangle part sound more like romance comedy* and not a Sci-Fi action movie. WB will try to market it as a summer action film trying to get their target demographic of 13-20 yr olds. It terms of action scenes. Except for the last one too much like DBZ. *when I think about it.... it sounds like part of the plot from American Pie 2
  15. Hmmm... you have a point but didn't WB put up the cash for the Matrix? And look how much it made with its Zany, awesome, Science Fiction story.
  16. What's wrong with designs that they created? You'd be surprised at how many people will go see a movie because it looks good. Example Transformers 2 ROTF. No buy out HG completely Tatsunko would eventually fade into the pages of history. At least in America. People are stupid when it comes to live action adaptations of childhood shows.They know its gonna be crap but they will still see it. Example Dragonball Evolution
  17. That doesn't make sense. It'd be more efficient and effective IMO if WB just paid another company to do a re-design for toy Licensing. It'd be more profit if WB bought out HG and a lot cheaper. They'd gain ( i think) all of HG's properties including macross. But WB doesn't handle their properties very well. If WB wanted to they could re-write, re-title it, market it ,have it dubbed in Japanese and call it Super Dimension Fortress Macross.
  18. Yeah it does seem out of place or like he has an accent. But its still awesome. Mao and Sara's voice fit perfectly to me.
  19. yes. You get the best of both worlds.* I was thinking Dr. Seuss. That be a odd story Macross written by Dr. Seuss with animation by madhouse. *I'm not going to say anymore because of a discussion that happened earlier in this or another thread. That resulted in mods making said subject Forbidden. With the threat of banishment for anyone who discusses it any further.
  20. Nomination for greatest cosplay/album cover ever.
  21. if thats nanasae and not alto in a dress then hot.
  22. Nothing on there I want to see. For now at least.
  23. that makes me not want to buy a vw.
  24. I'd hate to see your electric bill. Up on the great lakes its been a rainy summer. I don't mind it keeps the grass growing at work. But I hate the winter... 1 ft. of snow overnight and i get a call at 3 am saying we need you to come do snow removal after i've gone to bed at 1 am. Anyway the voices are pretty good so far.I have complaints but i wont mention them. addendum: hey did you change any of the bgm?
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