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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Thats not the art everyone is waiting for.
  2. When various Robotech fans gathered to gaze upon such awesome power something unexpected happened. Seto tried to warn them but they failed to listen. On another note I think dougbendo keeps mentioning loli's b/c he may have a secret thing for Mylene Jenius. He's probably jealous of gubaba.
  3. is it worth buying 1/60 VF-1S Hikaru Ichijo or just wait for the version to be released with the strike parts?
  4. So should I go buy the Movie version or go hunt down the ovas?
  5. Your going to make me leave Setoism to become a Basaraite.
  6. This will explain it all Kinda of hard to ignore Bendo's writing when he claims you are exporting Macross.
  7. B/c Carl Macek remebered some more about what robotech is about from the year 1997.
  8. So Seto is actually Shōji Kawamori in disguise? Or is he Ōnogi Hiroshi? Idk. The only thing he has going for him is he wrote the theme to the NBA and Bobby's wrold
  9. Anybody ever see Diebuster? Also Hellsing ova 6 is..... idk i cant think of a word.
  10. Work sucked. I was supposed to fix my car today but couldn't. Then found out about the hlj sale any everything i want is pretty much gone. Other than that fine how about you? It might be better if you just watched the Star Wars Christmas Special and imagined it was robotech. Cost too much..... think John Tesh.
  11. The Power of the Spiral is real!!!
  12. Is it any different from the MP3's you can "acquire"? I have it but just haven't opened it.
  13. But your proclaiming that RT is infinitely better than Macross. Hey Seto would the original songs From macross fall under intellectual properties or distribution? Even though HG's "remixes" are completely different from the originals.
  14. Wanzeran go watch the show!!! Seto:Lupin the III remastered lol Just finished Armitage Dual matrix. I think I need to go watch the first one. I felt confused and wondered what was going on. But other than that it was ok. getting ready to watch Hellsing ultimate 6 and Linebarrels of iron.
  15. Haruhi is good in all but idk.... its like its missing something. Only thing is if it has any type of mecha in it someone say it nothing but a giundam knock off and gundam is better. Oh if you want a show about giant robots and heroes check out .
  16. After watchin Gurren Lagann again it is more epic than Gao Gai Gar. But GGG is more old school anime robot like and made me appreciate hand drawn animation and why people scream bloody murder at cg. Both have epic screaming and attacks. Gao Gai Gar did destroy the sun while TTGL fought a Galaxy sized mecha in their own galaxy sized mecha.But the heroes in Gl did have more noble and awesome deaths or deaths that made sense vs. GGG where they kinda died in vain. Gai Shishio is Brave couragous in all but idk if he'd win against Lord Genome. The Argument that Gai has courage is good b/c without courage you can not succeed. But you don't believe in the you that believes in yourself then will fail no matter how much courage you have. I really don't think a Hell and Heaven could beat a Giga Drill Breaker.
  17. Idk its kind of hard to deny that type of power
  18. Kind of. If there was a Macross panel to celebrate Macross I'd attend it. But at the same time i dont think it be worth while to host the panel and only 4 people show up how were actually interested and all the rest are waiting for the next panel to begin. But If Memo wants to bury the hatchet. I'm all for it. And Seto Christmas is coming up that means office holiday party. I say you get the Kool-aid out and lace it with roofies instead of arsenic. And give it to HG's legal and marketing departments.
  19. Everyone is a Disciple of Seto. His Keyboard is his podium his word is logical and easy to read as well as easy on the eyes. In short If you don't listen to Captain Capslock, Dougbendo or the rest of their gang ten your considered a Setoite.
  20. How can i tell which verison it is? Date released, design, texture?
  21. true but should I buy 1/60 with or with out the super-parts?
  22. Things to remember: -Hollywood is greedy -Hollywood is unoriginal -Hollywood will de-dub and re-write the movie and call it SDFM in Japan. If Hg was smart they'd do item number three from the start.
  23. It is possible they weren't talking about otaku but talking about "otaku".
  24. Neither more like my ears and eyes hurting which then becomes burned into your brain and you hear the songs playing over and over. With a swift kick or even a grazing the pain subsides after so long. Robotech does not. Also if you back to that site where you could get a virus on your computer someone said otaku's hate Macross and Robotech. And that Gundam is superior.
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