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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Or created their own company which then later bought out activision.
  2. @PizzaTheHut: I can see where your coming from with said video (i think). Rt and Hip Hop died a long time ago. Anyway I should I bother reading Prelude to Shadow Chronicles?
  3. that or the next Mike Myers movie.
  4. So its a Jalopy then?
  5. I think gubaba has the tolerance to watch rtsc in a 4-hour marathon. The yune-jeep thing could work if it didn't have such small legs with a huge shoulders and a little gun in hand but having a cannon on its back. It makes me wonder if its infantry or a heavy support type.
  6. Gas leak in their home?
  7. This probably doesn't go here but I don't want to clutter up the Aircraft VS thread. Macross vs. Imperial Destroyer
  8. Blasphemy!! You will watch RTSC in a marathon and try not kill or cause bodily injury to yourself or others.
  9. buyt them and resell at high prices.
  10. Screen captures from the movie perhaps. Rpg stats.
  11. he could be a bot.
  12. I've never been able to get into MST3K.
  13. What the heck is a missile circus? I know what an Itano circus is but I've never heard of a missile circus.
  14. Maybe a Yamato that will never break!
  15. Your right I didn't see that is was robotech. My fault Yune sept it away so quick i couldn't see it. I'd still like to know why he autographed it though.
  16. We can get that from your avatar. Anyway is there a reason why Macek autographs a SDFM Valkyrie in one of memos videos?
  17. How do they get robotech from the "odd one out" episode? I don't think there were any missles in it. I could see "Be Human" and "The Package" due to the use of missles.
  18. `Why does it look as if its refueling the satellite? Is that even a satellite?
  19. Also osmeone has done conrad verner's face. Found this in the bioware forums
  20. In Halo Legends? No, where was that at. The short "Odd One Out" is funny.
  21. What's it for?
  22. A little bit of both. Leaning more toward approval though. I don't mean to disrespect his legacy I just feel his role was over-hyped. It was would have been his break-out role allowing him to do other roles besides standing around looking pretty. I actually posed the question if he hadn't passed away would his role been as good. I ended up getting a -5 rating on youtube. Anyway... Someone should ask Tommy Yune if he liked Macross Zero or Macross Frontier and if it has any effect on Robotech.
  23. So is gazing upon the Holy image of Basara and listening to the Sermons Fire Bomber. But that doesn't stop you.... or does it?
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