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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Dragon Tiger gate is pretty cool. Five deadly Venoms and return of the Five deadly venoms aka crippled avengers cult classics. Serious plot holes but who cares.
  2. it's okay. Cool concept neat ideas. I feel the series are crap and over rated (Including SGU). Highlander the series in IMO was meh. Sub-par acting, characters that were annoying , fight scenes that were sped up in places and made no sense at points. That and Adrian Paul is a crap actor.
  3. I'm talking about the various straight to DVD movies based of the series which is also over rated.
  4. Mediocre: Casshern Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow Both are watchable but not omg you need to see this Overrated: Star Wars (see all previous post) The Dark Knight... Nolan's Batman isn't too intelligent. Star Gate (anything after the 1st movie) Serenity District 9 2012 12 Monkeys Contact Underrated: The Hulk The Incredible Hulk (granted Liv Tyler is not the best actor) The Incredibles Moon
  5. Hide it before someone takes it seriously!!!
  6. there was that one moment when he became one with nirvash. which was pointless when it happened.
  7. I forget april fools. It'd be really funny and sad if it never went back up but linked you to Robotech.com store that had everything in stock and broke faster a shoulder joint on a Yamato.
  8. wow... So they're going after fan sites?!
  9. It's the slice of life factor i think. you forgot about the holding hands and screaming at the top of your lungs will solve every problem you have.
  10. It will make laugh cry and bleed all at once. To make it worse it has a bad rendition of a Queen song.
  11. The five minute version is the good version. Due to the fact that its only five minutes. That's 85 minutes of your life you save. He beats the last guy by running around him really fast. Seriously. Also Dragon Wars if it hasn't been mentioned already. But if you combine the two movies you one possibly cool movie.
  12. Don't know if its been mentioned but "Brave New World" TV movie. It's only redeeming trait is Leonard Nimoy is in it.
  13. At least pick something good.
  14. Number 4 is Volfogg from Gao Gai Gar Number 5 is Enryu from Gao Gai GAr
  15. Bio-Dome. I just remembered... Catwoman.
  16. Probably like every other company that has multiple divisions. Division B "sells" item to division A. Allowing B to post a profit. Even though its the same money no matter what.
  17. Anyone play the new splinter cell demo?
  18. Its the med bay. I don't think I picked up the books. Apparently it's a note in the the safe behind the quote on the wall. solution i guess
  19. Better than the Bioshock 2 MP dlc. 400 pts. for a unlock key. For things that should have been in the game.
  20. 2012. this thing kinda sucked. Generic and made almost no sense at points. But not as bad as the core.
  21. BUt anyone with business sense would want to make money on it though. Seeing an actual return on there investment.
  22. That will happen when HG closes its doors and allows everything Macross and says they were wrong. And Yamato's will be unbreakable
  23. It dulls the pain.
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