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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Watched SPL aka Killzone. It could have been better.It felt like it dragged at parts
  2. so you want this to go into the real of eiken?
  3. bits and pieces. mainly what ever the local video store had.
  4. So you'd look like Tom Selleck? If it's about the script you can thank Taksraven for that...
  5. That's one thing I think she has done correctly in her career.You don't hear about how she got stupid drunk and punched a person out, was seen doing coke, sleeping with /dating person x so on and so forth. You'd think that be a selling point but i guess not.
  6. Robotech Narrator Voice: As Captian Gloval* enters the the bridge he thinks to himself... Gloval: (thinking) How is it that ms. porter can fit into her uniform? Her breast barely fit her uniform. I wonder how big she is. Lisa Hayes: Officer on deck ! (everyone stands and salutes) Gloval: At ease. Cmd Hayes what is the operational status of the sdf-1? Hayes: Dr. Lang* has that all reactors are approaching maximum output and that the Electrode Particles are aligned with the ecm thrusters. Gloval: How soon will be able to luanch? Hayes: 30 minutes. As according to schedule. (end scene) Someone else can come up with the pro-military xenophobic hate speech. *Possibly played by seto kaiba.
  7. Right... What did we learn from Rt the Shadow chronicles? Sex first actual plot second.
  8. didn't see quantum solace. the only issue i see is that she would be promoting the Prince of Persia movie.
  9. true. but then you get the people who complain that it was all about robots and no human involvement.
  10. Yea. Like the mom and the other whiny kid.
  11. Megan Fox out of Transformers 3 Thoughts?
  12. That's because that description is reserved for another scene. duh. Edit: It's for the scene when Global fist enters the bridge.
  13. If we mash Gubaba's story with the faux rtlam. It would portray him as roy, and wanzerfan as rick.
  14. Maybe 1/55 scale?
  15. Too bad I'd either be over qualified. Hmmm.....
  16. You know it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.And gives you natural high that nothing else can compete with And whats sad is that with some dialogue and name changes no one would know the difference. Example: Robotech narrator voice: As Rick Hunter carries Minmei through part of the sdf-1... Minmei: Rick where are you taking me? Rick: I have to show you something. Minmei: What is it? Tell me.. Robotech narrator voice: Rick then sets minmei down. Then walks over to the window and proceeds to rip his shirt open.. Rick: This is me. It what I am. Robotech narrator voice: Rick's body proceeds to sparkle. As minmei looks upon him in awe minmei: your cute. Rick: no I'm not. I'm a fighter pilot. (End scene)
  17. I stopped playing b/c i kept getting matched with the players who take games a little too serious. that and some of the game modes irritated me.
  18. Jimmy Hoffa
  19. Thats that stupid pov camera. they used something like it in max payne. Its a really useless view to me. Vector trap.
  20. Then what's the purpose of this thread? I'd buy the HDDVD but I may die in the process.
  21. Even so there were other things I didn't like. I would try to rewind and the video would lock up. Or the picture quality would be screwed up one second then the next it wouldn't.
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