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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Using Wilt Chamberlain could have explained why all of yune's female character are built like strippers.
  2. That could've been cut.But I don't know for I haven't seen the series.
  3. Kittan zero, Gunmen Symphonia and The Sense of Wonder were all pretty good. The were like watching someones acid trip animated. Edit: Or a tribute to previous Gainax productions.
  4. Wilt Chamberlain wrote part of robotech? That would explain a lot.
  5. season One was good. Then it went down hill for many reasons. My theory is they let Jeph Loeb start writhing.
  6. Tis the problem with the internet. From what I understand that's not too hard to achieve.
  7. That's not his worse. It's more so that her clothing looks more stripper like and less Military like. But always remember until Rob Liefeld's work stops being publish there's always something worse. Idk IF this would be NSFW so i'll just post a link
  8. The more I look at the more it shows that he almost has no knowledge of how clothing is supposed to fit someone.
  9. You know that wouldn't look so bad if her clothing fit properly. Also she looks very young for a 58 year old.
  10. In picture number 2 the character is obviously high on protoculture.
  11. Not quite. They took the original uncut DBZ footage cleaned it up then removed all the unnecessary scenes and episodes. Like the many clip/flashback episodes, the screaming powering up episodes and episodes where characters do random things that contribute in no way to the story. They're taking close to 300 episodes and condensing it down to 100
  12. And that's why I didn't watch it.
  13. I agree with that. But when you get older and see stuff you thought was just the greatest thing ever you see all the flaws and laugh at it but still like for what it is. The issue I see is this: someone discusses (retro series #90012) due to various factors such as: Remake, Re-imagining Live action movie etc. Fan "X" says it god awful crap and doesn't compare to the original. Other fans say It could have been better but it was still great, At least we got something, Omg I loved it and so on and so forth. X then proceeds to bash everyone's opinions calling them idiots. Saying the orignial is better because it's from the 70,80,90's . Which then leads to a pointless argument where one person argues the same point over and over again. Well you get the picture. So in short its an age, ego and memory thing.
  14. Not so much an anime but more of a parody of dbz and naruto. Girlchan in Paradise
  15. Nope. Lack of funds Haven't played in awhile.
  16. If were going that route we might as well just take the movie Showgirls and splice in shots from a random sci fi series and call it robotech. I think he's saying he'd rather see a Macross adaptation using the original Macross character designs and not the DYRL character designs. There I beat Gubaba to the punch.
  17. Not really. I get the vibe old is the greatest thing ever and anything new should be burned and if you even like the new your an idiot. (will collect thoughts and post more later)
  18. No. We'll get Lindsay Lohan.
  19. if that's the case were next for creating a rtlam script, aiding and abetting in the circulation of non-rt merchandise and conspiracy to sow seeds of decent in the rt community. edit: Forgot Harboring Fugitives from rt law.
  20. I thought that was the premise for the marine starring John Cena? Either way the movie would star John Cena. Anyway.. Saw the movie and its ok. Wait for it to come to dvd.
  21. That would require two things 1) Money. 2) And someone with some type of business sense who wants to make money.
  22. If you use Alchemy anything is possible but you may have to sacrifice something of equal value.
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