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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Sengoku Basara Season 2. Hot blooded manly fighting loosely based on history.
  2. If I had the cash then Yes i would
  3. Multiple reasons the SDFM dub scared them and they dont want to read subs,Gas Leak,Nostalgia,they're under the age of 16 and dont' have access to the internet but only basic cable, etc. For me it was mainly I never saw the series entirely.
  4. HG and Lego Mega Blocks Duplo team up to make robotech inspired kits.
  5. Name a character Tommy Yune.
  6. MEMO is off camera. I'm saying that just by how the video was shot.
  7. The first is coming out this month. Which I plan to purchase after watching it through other means. I really liked IP man . the fight choreography was excellent and had good pacing and character development.
  8. So trying to say he was like Chuck Norris?!
  9. You sure that's not management?
  10. If we keep this we'll get a C&D.
  11. Its all in how you say it. See HG something in production but they can't say what. But I can guarantee that it will not be something that the fans want. Like another art book, or rpg stats book or another comic. Heck mash all the Starship troopers movies together and you may have the RTLAM.
  12. Wait for Lagann-hen the first movie is pretty much the same as the series until the last 10-15 min. Edit: Started to watch SDFM dub. Along with Pumpkin Siccors and Bridy the mighty decode (series). Edit mk2: SDFM dub makes me want to hit someone.
  13. Idk. Maybe it is a typo. Or you could write it off as a mass effect field is assisting Shepard in carrying it. And if that's not good enough then the force.
  14. correction he's in the show.
  15. Also Leonard Nimoy is a villain in the show.
  16. You just wasted money on the fish. Kelly will not feed them from what i hear. In short they will die no matter what.
  17. No you make a Youtube video of it first and get millions of views. Then maybe you see a doctor.
  18. True but it doesn't look good in live action.
  19. I guess their supposed to be basing the movies of a mixture of the Ultimate and regular marvel universe. It could be the suit they give after he's thawed out.
  20. The guy who says the fake is Superior in all ways. Then creates a fubar list of explanations why it is.
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