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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Possibly or it could be he made something up real quick to say he actually did some work.
  2. They wish. It would probably be closer to this: Edit: The author is lazy. The comments section is equally cringe worthy.And I now get irritated whenever i hear the RT theme song play. So who's gonna buy this thing when it comes out?
  3. anyone watching captain earth?
  4. Here's a theory.... Whoever's money they trying to play with backed out and found another "invenestment opportunity" Kinda want here dB's podcast on this.
  5. Yup your gonna have too Google it. Everything on YouTube will probably be gone. Also it was like watching the comic come to life. Why fox hasn't made it yet? I don't know.they should stop stroking Singer's ego and make a dead pool movie.
  6. Surprisingly he had a few valid concerns and complaints. He crapped all on HG's track record. For some reason keeps talking about RT3k like a full series was made. Did say that RT3k was better than RTSC. Doesn't like how the kickstarter is being handled. Specifically the tiers and the lack of information being given on the series. What the funds would be used for ex: will rt.com be upgraded, will there be comics to tie-in or continue the series. Also thinks that the rpg kickstarter is fishy. Claims that molds should not cost that much nor should any tabletop RPG cost the amount raised to make. ​Believes that HG owes Maeck's wife for the script and ideas for she is the key to reviving the franchise. And that if this doesn't work out no more robotech. Which he thinks it should die already. Most of it was...idk...intriguing Funny thing in podcast (if you want to call it that) DB said it'll probably be a scene where everyone is dancing and happy the characters are featured. name up in lights. then a particle beam destroys them all.
  7. Dang it. I was hoping someone else would take one for the team.
  8. Anyone watching captain earth?
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