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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Space pirates that were formerly NUNS forces lead by a female captain...
  2. Wathced the movie on a streaming site that had annoying logo in the corner of the video(need to buy external hdd). I liked how Sheryl actually has pictures and memories of her past versus a series of one liners and slight exposition from grace. The lack of Nanase isn't bad. @Tobi54 Thanks for the link. Will try it out on 360 later.
  3. I may have to check it out. just for the mech action and i like nice cg. @thegunny It can't be worse than the last airbender. That's 103 minutes and the several hours spent being angry that you will never get back.
  4. I wish I had the money for one. And I wish they made A GrayFox one. Custom Hot toys
  5. dougbendo doesn't spell listener correctly. So the idea/joke is that he doesn't have listeners but lessoners.
  6. Maybe it broadcast in multiple day cares during nap time. If your 12 lessoners per view then yeah he has over 6000 lessoners. Which would confirm your theory that there aren't that many people who willing listen to him. That is outside of torture. @HappyPenguins Zombie Macek?
  7. Somebody did something like it .
  8. & you've been warned edit: if you want more punishment or a good laugh
  9. Looks like a happy meal toy. Also no love for the Black getter?
  10. Very Low. But on the slim chance it does happen. The problem is that some properties are very expensive and may not be worth bringing over (Macross7), or no one knows who holds the rights to a property (DYRL). And chances are that Hg is making some sort of money by licensing series/movies and doing very little to nothing with them. Even though their catalog is every limited
  11. I'm think more along the lines of Futurama. Video Link
  12. Sounds like HG's business plan.
  13. Not sure when they started. Both. In short if it has the potenial to be better than the actual Rt franchise a c&d gets sent. And rumor has it that Seto has the ability to have a fan project canned. Sift through the forums of various rt fan sites and you'll find it ( alternatively look through the HG & RT debate threads). Not really worth it imo.
  14. When i read your post the first thought that came to my mind was dougbendo. The first post in the link... dougbendo. I think i need help. edit: Never thought it was possible to misspell soap.
  15. Very annoying song.
  16. Originally posted by Colonel Wolfe Do you want a Merger? Thoughts?
  17. That's an easy fix. Here's a preview* Look at the emotion. The passion. Doesn't it make you feel for rick? *
  18. sucks your trailer got pulled.
  19. Lesser of two evils.
  20. Yoou used the wrong link for hookers. The correct Link
  21. agreed Appleseed FTW!! I'll give X-men a try.
  22. Don't give them ideas.
  23. Called Robotech- Love Remembers You
  24. Thank You More like japan only release.
  25. Or maybe they're part of the PR dept.
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