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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. Still need a good script though.
  2. I didn't realize this was a contest.
  3. I'm so confused.
  4. Ghost ship?
  5. Time to remeber http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSYOuJQ1W-I
  6. Once again why is there a city right next to it? A military base I can understand. But not a city. Wouldn't the birth rate Jump dramatically? Now I'm going to have to watch southern cross ...
  7. I'm kinda looking forward to the raid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWlmhMSnVdM
  8. Weren't they constructed to contain the radiation. if so why is there a city right next to it.
  9. Who's Lick hunter?
  10. Then watch Rt. Your mind will be blown when you finish it. Too much and you lose your sanity.
  11. WTF? Which is worse that or space thunder kids?
  12. Wasnt that art already discussed at some point? what is that supposed to mean.
  13. Staring Charlie Sheen.
  14. So you basted it in starship fuel?
  15. In regards to what exactly? Look into a psp if you don't have one. there may be more jrpg titles on it.
  16. We have moved passed silly Spikey haired characters in rpgs. Gamers have grown tired of random battles, questing for hours on end to level up so that they have a chance at defeating the boss b/c they didn't find the mystical item x that gives them higher stats and is located in dungeon 4890 and you need party member Q to access it due to MacGuffin K ;but you didn't take Q with you b/c you felt Q wasn't all too good in skill 45a. And MacGuffin K is ONLY useful in that one spot. ALso story telling has changed we've gone from to . Yes spoken dialogue And choices that effect the overall story.Your probably going why not remake FFVII? Short answer it would cost too much. Truthfully you should be more upset about how every game MUST have some sort of multilayer. Xbox360 is more family oriented. Define worse. Worse to me would be going backwards in storytelling and design by embracing the jrpg's of yesteryear. All I can say is try out mass effect on the pc ,mass effect 2, and FFXIII (didn't play it but some love others hate it). Try the Tales of (insert name here) series of games.
  17. How about wall agree that Guld was the only kamikaze pilot to not return
  18. Resistance Rpg's have been slowly dying off. Reason? The don't make as much money.
  19. Sorry to here this. Don't like apple's products or marketing tho.
  20. It probably just the first 6 scenes wasn't it?
  21. Mortal Kombat Conquest I didn't know this existed until i followed a random link. Or i don't remember it.
  22. That explanation is like Star Driver's explanation of how the libido can power a giant robot. So your saying M7 knew about the vajra? Basara is not hot-blooded. Too many questions arise for how he controls it.
  23. Can't be worse than Shadow chronicles. You'll need multiple organ transplants by the time your done. Or you 'll be dead. Better yet just hook an iv drop of liquor and watch.
  24. I sense a drinking game.
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