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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. It gets bad when they introduce Rick hunter. What's up with his hair?!
  2. Revoltech Alucard
  3. I'm going to have to side with Keith on this one. Haven't played mgs 4 yet. Decided to replay all the previous mgs games before it (just finished mgs 2 hd need a break). Each game introduced a new layer of game play. Mgs 2 gave us the tranquilizer gun , first person perceptive, shooting out radios and dog tags , Three introduced camouflage , destroying supplies, truly foraging for supplies, supplies being limited, equipment weight and making you think twice about running around in that area where the guards are all wearing camo. I think those cartoony moments are there to make you realize your playing a game. I'll take Mgs over the top moments over Gears of war over the top moments with no real meaning.
  4. I say give him robotic arms like in Deus ex human revolution.
  5. I don't like the main two main characters. Super mousey and fam (ADHD annoying). Also the whole sky pirate thing is pretty weak.
  6. I guess they're releasing them in waves? http://www.hlj.com/product/SET88703 http://www.hlj.com/product/SET88004
  7. tried watching last exile fam. didn't quite like the first episode.
  8. That's because he has too many lessoners to keep up with.
  9. Blasphemy! Your supposed to pay someone 600 usd to build it or buy an alenware laptop. For we all know they make the best computers
  10. The same can be said about the 86' transformers movie. which has a really big plot hole.
  11. So let me get this right. Your complaining about a game that basically ripped its level straight from another game. They had you use thermal vision so you can distinguish your targets from rocks on the ground. I think we can all agree that they did not render the environments with the same detail as they did the aircraft. Using a bomb that's too big and losing makes sense. I don't think anyone can survive a howitzer cannon round going off ten feet away. I did not like the objectives that were impossible to complete. Such as save the destroyer.
  12. Especially the new one. An AC-130 in superman 64 could have helped it. On second thought I'd probably have to shoot the rings.
  13. That's the most vague description of a level I've ever read.
  14. you mean the ac130 part?
  15. Was thinking about getting a 19 but I'll pass. I'll wait for v.3 i guess.
  16. Played the frist uncharted thought it was meh.
  17. IIRC developers had issues developing for the ps3 at the time. Those one hour dragged out boss fights are painful to me. In AC6 the boss fight before the fight with metal gear was like this. I ran out of munitions landed , took off then continued the fight. that was fun. The dev wanted to make the game move faster and tell a story. I think they accomplished that.
  18. He no longer has a soul. For HG has a copyright on it as well.
  19. Better engineering? Anyway everyone is already sold out. Even though is doesn't come out for another 5-6 moths.
  20. The mobile board layout is nice
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