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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. IMO 3D graphics in fighting games allow for more stylish movements.
  2. I figured something out. Didn't want to use it afterwards. took it to best buy for recycling.
  3. Limited involvement. Feels KP could have done better That's all speculation. in the documentary he said he had an idea for a mgs game that involved that setting.
  4. But Blu-ray cost money!!! And that may not be in the tax write off allotment for the fiscal year plans for rt this decade year.
  5. Nope. "Project ogre" He's even said he wouldn't have too much involvement in the next mgs
  6. Why don't watch this... your going to be sleep for awhile
  7. Its in the past alliteration(s) of this thread. Something about his hands being too big for his keyboard. So he keeps hitting Caps lock. Edit: Broken? BUt then.... So.. all of the above?
  8. Here are some reviews from amazon.com
  9. Saw several copies of this at local used movie place.
  10. Is MGS peacewalker nessecary in order to understand some of the story in MGS4?
  11. Shutdown after use sleep when leaving but want to immediately use later. Left running overnight for various activities. And even then after its done. shut down.
  12. IDk. That is the same site that did the whole why rt is better than Macross list.
  13. Deus EX human Revolution was like that. The story was kinda weak.
  14. Apparently RT has wholesome values. Link
  15. I blame them for thinking that the greatest time of they're lives was when they were ten.
  16. I don't think that it would be a camaro you could just waltz down to the dealer. Buy and drive off with it that day. Its a labor of love. And when you're down building it you have a feeling of accomplishment that makes you feel good about what you did with your two hands.
  17. Considering they can go for over 150k fully restored/ rust free . On top of that its a real Shelby gt500. Is it high? Yes. Worth it in the long run? Yes.
  18. Its bad when they see the LAM and continuously say the source material is so much better. That it spawns terrible blogs?
  19. link or it never happened
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