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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. HG would have more stuff out if it weren't for the boats being held up in the harbor.
  2. Not mine to begin with. Looking for parts for bro. Also something to tinker with. Been looking on ebay but everyone wants them for some reason.
  3. Then it wouldn't be a v6 hybrid. Doubt it. All companies are ran by bean counters. they're all too scared to try something new and innovative. There are exception to this though.
  4. not really. figured it wouldn't be too big. can't beat it for 30usd.
  5. I still haven't watched this.
  6. Is it better to watch the ova's or movie versions?
  7. No. More likely a lack of tie-in merchandise that can be easily purchased at local big box store. As far as RT goes. Full revamp. Kill the series entirely. Then relaunch under completely different name, designs, stories etc. But that cost money.
  8. I'm trying to figure out if you mean the panel lining thats blue or the effect that was in game?
  9. RT and success doesn't sound right. Like a paradox of some sort.
  10. Let me rephrase. if your not tim and eric, or the rights to the show are insanely cheap. Then it probably won't be picked up by cn.
  11. No. They're not written for direct movie adaptation.
  12. Doubt CN would show anything that wouldn't cater to the stoner crowd.
  13. At a glance I did think it was ghost busters,.
  14. That's because they can't release 60 variants of it.
  15. And have robotech songs laced through out
  16. Then respond with a podcast.
  17. You don't want to see this glorious HD?! Blasphemy!!
  18. Bandai entertainment to stop releasing anime bd ,dvd
  19. No. They'll go find one of the other sixteen versions of the movie.
  20. I didn't notice that until now. Alternative to protoculture?
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