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Everything posted by BeyondTheGrave

  1. that may not be good enough. still have to account for marketing cost.
  2. lol @ last panel.
  3. Giant Robo gets a blu-ray release. Cost 41,790 yen plus shipping and handling.
  4. I think the biggest problem is that its a bad picture of ed-209.
  5. right.... Human revolution was boring.
  6. he just hides them behind convenient items. or makes them extremely tiny.
  7. So its pathfinder on a much lower budget.
  8. X is for XTREME. Or a desperate cry for attention (example gundam).
  9. QFT agree with it all except for the M7 part.
  10. Me thinks he's experimenting with getting the armor on faster.
  11. But it makes sense. They're taking a walking tank that's designed to search and destroy and re-purposing it for law enforcement. So when it decides to go nuts and shoot up everything in a hilarious manner. the audience will understand why. Next everyone's going to complain he's not driving a 1985 Ford Taurus. But a 2012 Ford Taurus or Dodge charger or Chevrolet Caprice. Or which ever company is going give them car after car to destroy and shamelessly Showcase.
  12. Tiger&bunny movie http://youtu.be/xUuMChoJlsE
  13. weekday guy may be the custodian sad to say.
  14. If it's coming as an express you're supposed to sign. Usps has till 12pm (domestic) or 3pm (international)* to attempt to deliver express mail. check to see if it's okay to have stuff sent to your job. Also the express driver is usually not the same as the mail carrier. Ups has done the same thing to me. @Erik Elvis did you have a dog out? *don't quote me on that
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