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Everything posted by estacado06479

  1. no, phunk that, just answer...therell be other questions for them
  2. what does the jackal say...on BOTH sides
  3. 39 cm 16 kg 6 bullets in the clip, 7 if you have a full clip and one in the chamber
  4. Zelda is NOT an RPG, it's an adventure game. </pet-peeve> Anyways, PN03 is good if you like old-school action(it's more related to 1st-era arcade games like Galaga and Space Invaders than modern 3D action titles). And Metroid Prime is a must-buy. zelda is was and will always be officially listed as action/rpg so twirl on it...
  5. as for star wars games, i found rogue squadron 3 to be a pretty good mix, driving, flying, walking. very well balanced in terms of those 3. as for action rpg...can't go wrong with zelda. haven't really played any racing games on the cube, but I'm sure you can do alot worse than F-Zero. on a side not, I would go and grab ssx3, it been awesome for the first two. although i've heard it said that the GC version is the weakest, due to there not being enough buttons on the Cube controller.
  6. RahXephon Review from Point Blank
  7. know a good search engine? seroiusly though, 2005boards are awesome
  8. woohoo, 2 outta 3 but you did get the one that counted! btw, the avatar is from the band Happatai, they sing that yatta song that had all of us scratching our heads. if you ever see the actual video, you will react much like beavis and butthead during a Cure video. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (scratches butt)"
  9. NO ONE? damn, here's a hint, its one of the first ten episodes of inu yasha...like...where he gets the sword?
  10. i said it before and ill say it again, but with a twist Chi Chi from DBZ vs My Mom vs Sue Reed from the FF three way battle of the mommies bonanza!!!!
  11. If yamato would make me a damn Regult, Id make the mock battles...but they havent, so I wait for the Q like everyone else.
  12. Damn, my next question was kinda answered, I was going to ask where the queot came from. I can see now that would have been way too easy. It has to be anime huh? That really cuts down on the questions I'd be able to ask, since I don't know that much about anime... What is the english translation of the lead character's name from Wolf's Rain? and for a little extra trivia...where does my avatar come from?
  13. "I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend i was one of those deaf-mutes..."
  14. you find them to be pretty competant subbers? from watching alot and listening to japanese alot, i kind of can tell which groups are just pulling it out their butts. for example, anime junkies would regularly translate things in direct opposition to all otehr sub groups. the zhentarim just copies the english dialogue in things like tenchi and i'm pretty sure noir. animeone and anbu, almost always, everyone in the subbing community agrees that they are on top. i love rice box and live evil too. and i couldnt have gotten a better version of bebop than soldats.
  15. the anbu and aone fansubs are the only ones worth watching, EVER
  16. 1: pentium 4 1.5 384 M sdram pc 133 20 G hd + 60 G hd 16 m nvidia vanta card 17 IBM monitor from first rig. dvd rw windows xp home 2: pentium 4 2.4 256 M ddr pc2100 80 G hd onboard video (ugh) 17 viewsonic cdrw drive windows xp home
  17. is it a win32 interface? or dos, because command line sucks, i have to use it at work, i don't want to use it at home. and iirc, there arent that many games i want to play i play 2d fighters, and maybe a little metal slug. i also use the keyboard for my controller, never got the hang of either the joystick or my sidewinder pro
  18. i haven't really explored all the options available, to tell the truth. what i look for in an emulator is: windows 32 bit app customizable button scheme great compatiility with games old and new. the neoragexp does most of that. in terms of older games, i use nebula
  20. you people complaining need to get a grip... it is a toy we are talking about, it doesnt't have to be flawless, and is it really a flaw? there's a gap, who cares? oh yes, up the ying yang? unless you can provide more pics, it looks like "the ying yang" doesn't mean the same in your language as it does in mine. up the ying yang would be a massive quantity of gaps, yet you only show one...
  21. hawkins is the DEVIL!!! at least i'm not really sure who the good side really is... management's voice did not instill me with alot of confidence, nor did creepy blind man, or the fact that scutter took an axe to that guy's head in babylon, oh yeah...ben can heal, but it kills everything around him...so yeah, thinking ben's side isn't really good. thinking its like a paradise lost/devil's advocate portrayal of the bad guys, we are supposed to like them.
  22. elementary my dear watson...any of the various file sharing programs out there, and i'm sure irc will net you some roms, though i must confess to never having found any on irc. also, i use a neoragex hack for XP, its relatively new...
  23. ehh kaillera? neoragex and nebula totally DUST kailerra also winkawaks is pretty good. but for metalslug, king of fighters, and samurai shodown...NEORAGEX
  24. here's how i was able to make the ogm's work uninstall all codecs install divx install the ogm filter install vobsub you need to go do a google search on each one and download them individually, NOT in a codec pack. after you get the ogm working, THEn install a codec pack and only choose the codecs you need. DO NOT install the beta version of the TFM audio filter with vobsub, you will disable your sound alltogether.
  25. i hope youre saying world heroes as a joke, because that game is...
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