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Everything posted by estacado06479

  1. Edit: Even with ' ' at the end it's not proper.
  2. *sung to "not yet a woman" by britney purple one...not yet hikaru
  3. that's funny every time i see it, i was using the little fella on the left as my avatar for a while.
  4. i think you have a case of either too slow a processor or too many tsr's running while youre playing the file. in other words, no, it shouldnt be choppy.
  5. i'm not the one claiming to be mature...see the difference? as for you and kouwen, honestly, i have noe problem with you, except that it's kinda lame to come into the guy's post and start trashing him. btw, have you watched the other groups release? i hear alot of people struggling with the anbu release as well. although that could be due to noob-itis. i for one thought the picture quality was great in the infusion release. but i hate the ac3 filter, i have the newset codec, and my crap is turned all the way up and i still have a problem hearing. but the thing is, i didnt come in here and comment on it, because 1: its probably because my computer isnt great, and 2: i have not come up with an alternative fansub release that i can point to as being greater quality. as for waiting for the dvd release, i'd be one hurting naruto fan if i was waiting for the dvd release, wouldnt I? same goes for gundam seed, wolf's rain, and witch hunter robin. direct from tv is better, its quicker, and if its a good feed, you dont really sacrifice quality. to sum up, thanks infusion for being the first, even though i can't get the ac3filter to work properly on MY computer. i'm not really concerned with "macross terminology" as i file that under WHO GIVES A frakk? anbu was a little darker than yours, so i like your picture quality better, but anbu combined with other groups is by and large the most well known fansubbing release group.
  6. k-lite codec pack, know it, love it, use it, but only since you are new, after you'll realize that codec packs suck, but for this purpose, itll do fine
  7. yes, i didnt forget about you kouwen
  8. you know, i would tend to agree
  9. err..5 and as for stopping once its been licensed, surely you jest.
  10. animesuki anime.mircx.com downloadanime.org i think these are a good start for older anime, get emuleplus and go toanidb.net
  11. i own THE vf1d custom wanna see it?
  12. ok major agent, if macrossx's posts arent the whole reason that editing posts is a good idea, then i dont know what it. the dude has like 50 posts in a row, all of which could have been added on to the last. by the way, no offense macrossx, this is from a dicussion that happened before you got here, dont sweat it.
  13. Personally, I prefer to download the codecs that I need just to keep the number of installations to the minimum. That keeps my system in a healthier state. errm...that is what i meant, why would you download an individual codec you didnt need? thats what 4gspot is for
  14. yeah, you need to download each codec individually, but the only format it really matters for is .ogg at least that is the only one that gave me problems. took me a week to be able to watch my zhentarim encoded first gundam, only to find out that it was (shudder) ENGLISH ONLY!!!! funk that, BUHleted!!!
  15. hey thanks for the quick response, how's that for service? i didnt realize that the ac3 would be that big, i can't wait to see it, err...hear it. i might have a few more questions for you later, i am really interested in fansubbing, i want to know all about it, don't live in japan of course, so i couldnt do it, but it is very cool.
  16. not sure if this has been brought up, but that is a hella large file, usually, single episodes, even with ac3, are 175 MB, why the huge file size? not that i'm not grateful. just curious...
  17. look for a cd called stray cats: a retrospective as for my personal opinion, you want their greatest hits? listen to rock this town. BAM! greatests hits in one MP3.
  18. is that your final answer? if it is, take it stampeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeede
  19. oh i'm sorry YLM it's from Love Hina, the televised one, not the OVA
  20. this is the ANIME trivia thread and thanks for trying, you are not a winner, play again
  21. even equating getting macross stuff to burying your salami makes you a very sad man...
  22. ok lets shift gears... color of panties worn by narusegawa the first time keitaro accidentally looks? survey SAYS???
  23. close enough, its all you
  24. ok but about the other side?
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