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Everything posted by estacado06479

  1. gundam.com was a great place, i was over there, lurking
  2. /me tags UN SPACY...youre it! however, i accepted the third answer, because it seems like a reasonable expl;anation, but i thought they were just running tests on him...
  3. what jobs did the last three tachikoma have in ghost in the shell: stand alone complex?
  4. combustible campus guardress? aka Bakuen Campus Guardress
  5. i remember you millia, max. i remember being afraid to insult you by offering too little. so even if you are willing to accept offers, you should say, at least blah, and throw out a base. i dunno, it appears i'm the only one who was bothered by it, but i figured i'd get it off my chest. when you say throw out an offer and someone says, i'll give you a dawlah twenty five pahl, you cant get insulted if thats how you structured it i guess. what prompted this was one post where the guy had a million things and no prices.
  6. what are the odds of a soc brave reideen? and that suit is awesome, good job cube
  7. good job salzo, got to love the enigma, who is the lucky customer?
  8. are we an auction site? why, in the "for sale" forum, are people not inputting the prices of the things they are selling? "make me an offer" teh ghey, its for sale, not for auction. part of going into the for sale section is to buy things, not to "silently bid" as some members ask us to do. rant mode off does this bother anyone else?
  9. if tehy stopped moderating other anime/scifi, we would have a frakkload of stuff to talk about
  10. there is an irc room on irc.mircx.com for anyone who wants to download anime...but, i dont think anyone here likes anime but if you do, its #macrossworld
  11. stock: shogun warriors brave raydeen bad ass coolest toy I have owned custom: vf1d elint super-ostrich
  12. you're not going to REALLY put that on your car, are you?
  13. Isn't that the Bandai museum? I'm not sure if we're even talking about the same thing but either way, it's full of Gundams... "Welcome to the Bandai Museum!!! Here is our Gundam Stuff!!! and over there, in the corner, way back, beyond the restrooms, thats our other crap"
  14. ermm, gundam is a WIDELY popular show with todays market, and the nostalgia market. macross operates on pure nostalgia so there is no comparison there is a gundam museum for chrissakes
  15. i refuse to read the rest of the posts in this topic as they might distract me from what i think this topic is really about: 80's glam metal the final countdown was my favorite song for about 5 minutes, until Poison came out, and just before i found out that both those bands were for Sally asses. Europe ROCKS!!!
  16. dien00b just kidding, welcome to macrossworld!
  17. Too Much Time On My Hands Written by Tommy Shaw Lead Vocals by Tommy Shaw Sitting on this barstool talking like a damn fool Got the twelve o'clock news blues And I've given up hope on the afternoon soaps And a bottle of cold brew Is it any wonder I'm not crazy? Is it any wonder I'm sane at all Well I'm so tired of losing- I got nothing to do and all day to do it I go out cruisin' but I've no place to go and all night to get there Is it any wonder I'm not a criminal? Is it any wonder I'm not in jail? Is it any wonder I've got Too much time on my hands, it's ticking away with my sanity I've got too much time on my hands, it's hard to believe such a calamity I've got too much time on my hands and it's ticking away from me Too much time on my hands, too much time on my hands Too much time on my hands Well, I'm a jet fuel genius - I can solve the world's problems Without even trying I have dozens of friends and the fun never ends That is, as long as I'm buying Is it any wonder I'm not the president (He's not the president) Is it any wonder I'm null and void? Is it any wonder I've got Too much time on my hands, it's ticking away at my sanity I've got too much time on my hands, it's hard to believe such a calamity I've got too much time on my hands and it's ticking away from me Too much time on my hands, too much time on my hands Too much time on my hands
  18. sometimes, the dumbest url is the best, you'll see what i mean by clicking here
  19. okay, wherever there are people in need of free anime, i am THERE dude! surf to: www.anidb.net look up the series in the anime list portion of the site. you can find out what irc channel the group that subbed it is on (and i sincerely hope that you have broadband, i would'nt want you to infect me with your paltry dial-up cooties) download sysreset go to the irc channel LEECH (but youre a lamer if you dont serve too) edit: just found the channel #anime-kraze@irc.mircx.com for udeden (legend of twilights bracelet) and i havent seen the other one subbed yet but watch: scarywater for the torrents
  20. www.suprnova.org www.sharereactor.com these two sites hvae VERY good prices
  21. <_<
  22. THATS NOT TRUE!!! i pick on them because... /estacado06479 runs away screaming like a fairy
  23. if youre trying to burn any video file you got off the net, and you dont care about it playing on a "real" dvd player her's whatcha need: dvd burner burning software that supports data dvd projects blank dvd's all ya do is make a dvd-data project and add the files. want to watch them on your tv? so did i, thats why i got a video card with tv-out. voila, now youre cooking with gas...
  24. does anyone else find it odd that he can't understand playing with toys, but he has no problem with grown men, BUYING toys... i of course, have no problem with either, but lets be real.
  25. a little sharingan with a side of kage bunshin no jutsu
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