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Everything posted by estacado06479

  1. what are we throwing into search engines? i have looked a number of ways and still no dice. looked on ebay, and that was predictable, but did a google on it and didnt come up wtih any auction sites, am i doing something wrong?
  2. errm, why don't you just download a subbed version? they are all over the net
  3. what if we ALL look and tell the designated bidder about the ongoing auctions, that way, there is NO chance of stepping on toes or getting in each other's way.
  4. i would definitely be willing to throw money into the pot for the aquisition of the kit, pm me if need be. thanks so much to melissa for reviving this dead dream. i've said it before and i'll say it again, if you going to make a monster, give me the koenig any day of the week. i will pm all three parties to see what i can do to get the ball rolling.
  5. there is one called fumofuu it is a collection of stories that is supposed to fall in between the timeframe of fmp. you can get it on the net right now through bittorrent on scarywater, but if you want dvd, i dunno
  6. if you read ANY of my posts since ive been a member here, it would be plain to see that i am anything but a yamato sheep, but since bandai has screwed the pooch on macross, and yamato actually cares what fans think, my statements still stand. and another thread could have been created to debate the price point... and most of the people who complained in that thread were whiny bitches (i HATE agreeing with thehaterist, but in this case, i made an exception)
  7. the thing with the q-rau is, is like it or not (i do btw), if not enough people buy it, yamato won't make me my other enemy mecha. so i'm buying two, at least. its too bad that people have to resort to childish tactics instead of just not posting if they don't like it. and the winners with, "this sucks" very nice of them to post.
  8. dialup users? do they still exist?
  9. F**K yeah!!! /me pounds chest oh...you meant on this game...never mind
  10. damnit, the place i go to get gba roms is down....might have to get a gba for good ol' rockman, he kicks ass
  11. smart-shopper Miah looks into wallet and decides to weigh the cost... normal hk boots = 36 dollars for entire series * dogcrap quality animeigo = 21 dollars/4 episodes * superb quality and subs super duper hk animeigo boots = 21 dollars/24 episodes * same animeigo quality hk boots and animeigo have been weighed/measured, and have been found lacking...(he said in his best evil guy from that jousting movie voice) fear not kiddies, today's boot purchase is tomorrow's fserve file...
  12. Umm, nothing is free on tv. They shove commercials in between them, remember? And they also controlled the time that it was broadcast. Just because it was broadcast on tv because it was paid for by some commercials does not give you ownership rights to them so you do not have the right to go downloading copyrighted material. please don't lecture on copyright infringement, let's not forget that you sell japanese only products outside of their intended area of sale, whaddya call that? in other words "Hello Kettle, YOUR'E BLACK!!!"
  13. /me quickly goes out and downloads the animeigo macross saga!!!!
  14. I believe that falls under distributing bootlegs, whether or not you are selling. Whatever the case, I believe this is in bad taste, the thread should be killed, and BUYING OR SELLING BOOTLEGS OR LINKING OTHERS TO THOSE WHO DO should never be brought on the boards. If you mention you happen to see a series through bootleg, that's OK. Telling others how to come across said bootleg is not. so let me get this straight, you can watch stolen programming, but just keep your mouth shut about it? I make a decent living, but thats because i dont waste money on stupid crap, such as official dvd releases of things i could get for free on the net (thats everything). i will continue to serve these programs and many others on my fserve, because i beleive that noone should pay money for something that was once free to watch on TV... dos centavos from me
  15. LOL, pm godmedia
  16. if you have an xbox, there is a game called Fable coming in march that seems like it will fulfill your every dream. you start at 15 or so, and EVERYTHING that occurs in the game affects how you will look when you grow up, inluding tattoos, being out during the sun, whether or not your job requires exercise, and things like that. I am thinking this game will either be balls to the walls spectacular, or it will just plain suck because they didnt take enough time with the gameplay aspects of it.
  17. how frigging cool is that? thats like a socom nut's wet dream. and btw, if you are sick of the nationalism, you can always hit the road, i hear europe is nice...
  18. argh, you could have saved ALOT of money by getting a regular gamecube from your own region and then purchasing a codejunkies freeloader... but i digress, get double dash, easily the most fun i've had in a while
  19. muahahahaha my gits sac was done by animeone and laughingman... f4ndub5 0wn5 j00
  20. takara has been making all sorts of f-ed up decisions lately, *points to targetmaster hotrod in the reissue series...errm, ghey.
  21. how do you write a review after 4 eps? normally i like your review areaseven, but i would stick to finished series for critiques...
  22. like he said, if it were a PC this would be good advice, not sure about imac, but i would check to see if there is an updated driver for the imac soundcard/equivalent imac device
  23. omnirai point blank ps2newz
  24. errm, you cant compare lmf to animeone, but ill say this, at least lmf is a fan based group, like AJ, only with good and synced subs amd panon, you buy the dvd's and let us know how it comes out, me, I'll download the perfect animeone and lmf fansubs with near perfect picture quality that ony an anal retard would notice any imperfections on his hdtv...
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