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Everything posted by estacado06479

  1. i see on the website that you can dowload the beta, do i have to be accepted as a tester to play it? i am work so i can't DL it right now, but it would be an awesome treat for when i get home.
  2. say it with me: TEEVEE max and hayao. if you give me a tv hikaru, and tv max/myria, then why not tv fatstuff and the slickster?
  3. from the posts i think you mean hardware T&A...
  4. System Requirements: Windows 98 SE/Me/2000/XP; 100% DirectX 9.0 compatible computer; Intel PIII 933 MHz or AMD Athlon 900 MHz; 256 MB RAM; 32 MB 3D Graphics card with Hardware Transform and Lighting (T&L) Capability; PCI, USB or Onboard Audio Device; Quad Speed CD-ROM drive; Keyboard and mouse; 56K modem or faster Internet connection; 1024x768 capable monitor required; Microsoft DirectX 9.0 is included on this CD; Installation requires 2.0 GB of free hard drive space. It is recommended that you have at least an additional 500 MB of free space available after installing the game for the Windows swap/page file and additional patch downloads this is the thing with star wars galaxies that worried me about being able to play
  5. I am really looking into this genre of gaming. i have previously only enjoyed console gaming, but once i get my logitech gamepad, i want to start pc gaming as well. i currently have: p4 2.4 mhz 256 radeon 9200 (third party) 80 gig hd 768 mb ddr 2100 onboard sound (soon to be upgraded to audigy gamer) is this something i could even play? what about ffxi?
  6. i love the 1/48, but nothing takes the wind out of my sails like a well built beautifully sculpted Hasegawa...sigh
  7. as long as i'm guaranteed a kit, i dont care about being in the first round or even the second.
  8. maybe that was too easy... go Yohsho
  9. you watched the naruto dubs? (shudder) NEways in Last Exile what object is Aru's "security blanket"? was also Ravey's
  10. sexy no jutsu kage bunshin no jutsu chidori byakuugan henge no jutsu
  11. so uhh...yeah. Neova. had stuff from bbts damaged in transit, but i wasnt really worried about it. never bought from kevin or tam...yet i'll let you know...
  12. the aftermath part deux
  13. the aftermath part 1
  14. with the just the paper off
  15. a note on packaging
  16. she's in love with Yokoshima?
  17. i hear neovas packing is like a sherman tank...i'll let you know for sure in a few days
  18. ok that was COMPLETELY unnecessary, kthanksbye... as to the question: I would actually go with the vf1j fastpack. you only get one config, sure, but if you have to get one thing, that might be the way to go. he IS the hero after all. and you can always HOPE yamato can read minds and decides to 1/48 a gbp
  19. its got to be a 1.5 since the sticker sheet could be from another box... the tab b is beefed up and the wing folds both ways 1.5
  20. DOH, i did mean invision, i am stuck mentally on the old board, but i have seen it on invision boards. sorry gents
  21. i think there is a feature in ikonboard that you can turn on and it will allow you to have a flag based on the country of origin you choose.
  22. the only things i have heard are slightly more cartoony paint the the hasbro and short stacks. from reading here. the joints and quality are pretty much on par from what i understand.
  23. mine are on dvd, at least they are now.. i dont by hkboots, i just download, but i did splurge and get the r1 rip of sdf macross from import-anime
  24. y'know, its usually my girl that likes to party all the time...
  25. i cannot wait to see itachi animated, ever since i started reading the manga, the anime is coming wayyyyy too slow
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