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Everything posted by estacado06479

  1. ok update adn i dont want this thread to die i am now lvl 16 DE fighter this game keeps getting better as you lvl up. skills adn weapons are costly but worth it, and money is plentiful if you know where to get it (let me know if you find out, because i still dont know )
  2. Lynx, what server are you on? I am on Erica, pm me if you are there and I'll tell you my SN on there, in case you want to party
  3. iirc, from watching the "animeigo". hikaru, max, and hayao were indeed, the vermillion squadron
  4. great work, i just have to say though, as a big fan of the tv show, 3 vf1s just seems wrong
  5. oh dudes, NUMBER ONE...read the manga and you will see that its anything but a tournament shonen NUMBER TWO...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DL it and watch it SUBBED and i heard funimation is picking it up and im sure they will rape it like they did for dbz, which was actually a good show subbed, and BLEW dubbed goku as naruto? kthanksbye
  6. babelfish says "you nevertheless not!!!" usual gibberish from the babelfish team...or the phrase DOES mean that and the person who requested it doesnt know German very well
  7. i played all last night, aside from getting bumped off the server a few times, i had a blast. if you are playing i am a dark elf female mage, azrael76 DO NOT PK ME i will find you where you live and after levelling up, i will pwn ju
  8. oh my, does that ever look like it will suck...
  9. yeah, IF and its a BIG if, they are going to do this, wouldnt it stay 1/100 scale? that would be PLENTY big. unless youre a scale whore, which im not
  10. what about brave reideen? that was by far the best shogun warrio matell release in the states followed by great mazinger and then getter dragun
  11. LOL i ended up upgrading my ign subscription to include fileplanet just to download theirs, 55 minutes thank you very much of course that deosnt include the hour i spent getting patches after i installed it. there are only three servers, and they are having a tough time handling the load, they are bringing another server up this week, so maybe ill actually be able to log in. hehe and fileplanet gives you a serial when you downlooad the program and they are already going to nerf the archers, which up to now is the most powerful weapon wise
  12. i have used EMS through the USPS i know alot if people on here bag the postal service, but i have yet to have a problem, and i used to work there, so i know that the good eggs far outweigh the bad.
  13. awesome, hey, can you post a pic so i can see how one of them turned out? and roger that on the decals.
  14. hey, can you JUST oil wash a yammie 1/48? or would you need to paint it too, i love the look of the oil wash, and the regular chunky monkey gundam marker panel lining looks too primitive for that.
  15. your car looks like its supposed to be a sleeper, i think these wheels lend themselves very well to that idea. also, if you want to go faster, you can't have those huge wheels with rubber bands attached to them, go to any drag race and you'll find that out quick. cool car nick
  16. badassed, nice and clean, doesnt take away from the coolness of the 1s could someone post a link of chengs 1/48? i went to his site but thats a 1/72 hase vf1s
  17. only two things come from texas Chris, steers and queers...
  18. isnt that 1/144?
  19. you guys just don't get it... OBVIOUSLY, its to make the 1/48, that much AWESOME-ER... now if someone can answer why the darn things are wearing turtlenecks...?
  20. wait...you can't move your character around with the joypad? i guess i'm really the n00b, this will be my first mmorpg... and oh yes, if nerfing is what i think it is, they had better not do it to me when i get my first cool piece of armor or a cool weapon...
  21. dna, 'splain yo'self foo'! don't let me download it if it isnt any good, help your community.
  22. i just think its badassed that my character from the OB will be playable on the actual game, that is insane i will spank n00bs that walk by
  23. Open Beta - March 28, 2004 That's right! The time many of you have been waiting for is here! It has been confirmed by NC that the Closed Beta has ended, and we are moving towards the next phase! The characters are going to be deleted before the OB phase, but to answer a popular question: The characters you create during OB will carry over to the retail version! Get ready to conquer! -Deathspawner 12:44 PM [03-24-2004]
  24. i like the opening for Hellsing, the japanese one, im not sure if they changed it for the r1 release, but it kicked arse
  25. bah, would anyone want to "donate" their serial number?
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