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Everything posted by estacado06479

  1. it would be cool if there were standard titles that were postcount based, and then friends of mods could get a special title, given by the mod, not chosen by the peron, that way it would be kind of an "in joke" to the person and the mod
  2. well, we had someone who had the time and inclination to translate this, but we ran her off... <_< so i guess we stick with babelfish's dragon explanation
  3. im glad that was edited, it looked so f*&ked up, my mouth dropped, no offense to anyone, with laughter
  4. no, i said that if they put everything from the manga into the anime, it would be in the adult section because they are nekkid the the hotsprings instead of toweled, with their chooch and stuff out, y'know? so no, it isnt hentai, but it would be adult with all the manga content in there
  5. the only one i would deem a traitor in the party would be himmler, he surrendered without the go-ahead from the party, they should have killed him when they were killing the leaders of the brownshirts
  6. rommel was the desert fox bartfeld is the tiger of the desert odd that neither of the two animals is a desert one...
  7. i thought those were klein loyal, zaft military, not orb people and it makes perfect sense for that woman to come in, she didnt agree with chairman zara's plans
  8. like most of you, my first transforming jet was jetfire my first valkyrie was roy's 1s, yamato 1/60 style
  9. SPOILERS BOOOOOM seriously, dude went down, that was a ridiculous fight, he rolls up into a ball and the sound ninja trounces him with the water in his own body.
  10. if people were fserving and it wasnt just a bullshitting channel, they would come
  11. hmm...i have to say pc...because mine plays neogeo, gameboy, gba, snes, nes, coleco, cps2, cps1, and atari games but if i had to go with best console, id say, atari, i mean, it was the one that really took off at the beginning, and thats why we play today.
  12. number one, FIRST AND FOREMOST punch a guy out, but NEVER f**k with his/her car, that costs too much money to be screwing around. as for your situation, i think it would be a "he said/she said" kind of thing, unless they dust you chalupa for fingerprints, which they wont do. chances are, nothing will happen...but in my town, throwing at someones car will more than likely earn you a nice black eye when they catch you.
  13. does anyone know how we would go about setting up a macrossworld irc channel? i will read up on it but it would be nice to find a quick answer it would be cool if there were a link to it on here showing that it was endorsed by macrossworld ie, S & G the best part? NO EDIT BUTTON!!! holla if you hear me major/agent!!!
  14. <<<- the problem solver...sort of other anime scifi is about as OT as this forum needs to get why dont we get wild with a dedicated irc chatroom where we CAN talk crap to each other live? i wouldnt mind fserving if a couple other people wouldnt mind edited for content, ie, added a T to my previous can, when i meant that we CAN talk shite
  15. alot of people say issac will turn and go with deakka asuran and kira, but i dont see how, since his mom is the new leader of zaft, that would be lame if they made the next season another parent vs child conflict....although it wouldnt be the first time gundam fans had to make due with a recycled plot
  16. Gato and Nina didn't suddenly become love interests - they apparently had a relationship before 0083, and that is why Nina is so torn whenever Kou goes out to fight with Gato - her former love interest, whom she obviously still has feelings for, and the person she is now interested in are going out trying to kill each other. At least to me, it was pretty clear that this was the case... hehe, i'm glad someone else remembered, i hat being the only one. also, i have to watch it again, but i seem to remember the same way fulcy does, that they were love interests when anaheim was training gato and his men on the suits they built... isnt she almost taken off the project in favor of that other one because it was happening again with kou?
  17. ok thats just nasty...ewwwwwwwwww
  18. sighhhhhhhhh...click here
  19. im in the workforce, but i dont have alot of fundage, gotta save it for special projects oh and, this thread wasnt to decide between which, as some are thinking, it was to say, wtf to the amount of stuff in the manga that didnt make it into the anime, it would have been right next to la blue girl at suncoast...
  20. ummm, i watched love hina a while back, i thought it was pretty good, until the extra episodes, with urashima's "sister" last week, i started reading the manga... if you have read it, or are interested, post away. personally, i get a little nervous with things that i wouldnt be comfortable explaining to my girlfriend why i'm watching it, and this is one of those times but i do like the idea of an expanded hina story, i wonder why they didnt include some of the plot points from teh manga in the anime, not the echi stuff, but the meat of the story
  21. yeah, there was a post about this somewhere, but i cant find it either, so wtf... also, the one after astrotrain is gonna be a collection of six minibots which i for one think is AWESOME...GOOOOOOOOO HUFFER!!!!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOO BRAWN!!!
  22. he even said that he only got permission for a finite amount of time, i think it was two weeks...maybe one of the mods thought the time period was up
  23. I feel you................ player! werd up homey, blizackizaces in the heeeeeezy
  24. the 1/60 is the best looking macross toy...but look at the competition <_< the best sculpt is without a doubt, the hasegawa, there is no comparison. "BULEEE DAT"
  25. i couldnt really get a good look from ep 48, where can i find pics? by the way, does anyone else think that the toys and models thus far for this series blow like a tijuana crack whore? they look soooooo chincy
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