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Everything posted by aquilon

  1. Appropriately, Tamiya's releasing a brand new 1/48 F-14 Tomcat in a matter of months....
  2. I'd be interested in one too when available
  3. I'll take one if I still get in on this....
  4. Just made an order!
  5. This isn't downloading for me but I've never downloaded a torrent file before....
  6. If they were shipped out on the 7th mine should get to me here in California tomorrow (I hope)....
  7. Always loved the Vandy-1 scheme - too bad VX-9 had to drop the Playboy bunny logo due to political correctness.
  8. Payment sent via paypal for one kit....
  9. Man am I stoked I got in on this!
  10. aquilon


    I had one of those - still had all parts + stickers + box. Wound up eBaying it off in 1999 (?) or so - sold it for something like $350 which was and still is some serious coin.....
  11. June works well. Thanks.
  12. Captain: I'll take one. When would you want the money?
  13. Holy cow - I didn't realize those had gone up in value that much.... I could've sworn HLJ was still selling them....
  14. I Netflixed it long ago and kind of let my qeue go and forgot about it - then it showed up and I said OHWTH and watched the first disk. I was hooked from there!
  15. Claymores - very dark and bloody. A great respite from giant robots and "Hero" ships. And all the Claymores are smokin' hot!
  16. Sunshine got so-so to bad reviews. When I saw it on DVD I was pleasantly surprised it was as good as it was - even the crazy slasher part wasn't so bad as it dovetailed into "the sun is God" plot point... And the Matrix sequels were almost unbearable w/ all their existential crap that made no sense....
  17. There's a reason why soldiers, when the shooting starts, hit the deck: it minimizes them as a target. A giant robot fighting machine 40m tall will be a sitting duck on a real battlefield.
  18. I recall part of the plot device in Gasaraki (which I hated BTW - anybody want to buy the complete DVD set???) was how a one-man giant robot will soon make conventional AFV's obsolete. Of course, the writers used animagic as I have a hard time believing a company of M1 Abrams can be destroyed by a biped robot squad with much higher profiles. If anything, I'd see it as a draw with the only advantage to the robot of losing one guy if it gets destroyed as opposed to losing four guys in the Abrams.
  19. I was engaged to a smokin' hot doctor - she actually made going to get my gums worked on "fun" - does that count????
  20. Focker was the CAG of the Macross 'air" wing - therefore he had a responsibility and obligation to his pilots and the Macross to take care of himself. His death in SDF:M was dumb as no professional combat pilot would put his health in jeopardy just so he can keep a date w/ his GF. Claudia being military would understand if he was a no-show because he was laid up in medical with life threatening torso wounds.
  21. I know it's not Hasegawa's bailiwick but, just based on the breakdown of the parts posted so far, this kit almost looks like it was designed to transform....
  22. oops - sorry for double post.
  23. Just got the email from HLJ and my two are on their way. Now to dig up those VF-111 Sundowner decals....
  24. Probably the real reason they're there is the designer thought it looked cool and added them; I would've put them on a turret myself.
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