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Everything posted by Moly_Sigang

  1. Next in line will be RDF Communications Headquarters
  2. Hey guys what did i miss in this thread--oh wait Seto is now a cult leader and Pete is his High Priest?
  3. Smoking Protoculture i see. I was once a volunteer and boy was it awkward after that stuff wore off.
  4. I think the main reason why linking MW became a bannable offense in RT.com is because of threads like this. Over there, we only get to see one side of the story (HG has all the rights to SDF Macross), and opposing that creed gets you the banhammer. Here, we can freely discuss about it without resorting to banning people for having an opinion. And many times it has been proven here that HG has a limitation to their rights over Macross. MEMO doesn't want any of the RT fans reading this thread because it might make the RT fans question the validity of his claims about the rights issue.
  5. This story is still unfinished so i might add some Meltlan panties somewhere.
  6. Here's an idea of mine of a side story taking place during Macross Frontier. The main hero is a former Vindirance VF pilot who quit after the event of VFX 2. The reason why he quits is because girlfriend was killed during a Black Rainbow terrorist attack. He laid low for a while until finding his way into the Frontier fleet. This is as far as i could think of with the story
  7. Space Gundam V Ah the first time i heard of this was way back in 2007, on a thread on /m/ about Korean knock offs of famous 70's and 80's Japanese anime properties.
  8. What a very sad news My condolence to his family.
  9. AFAIK Seto was banned from RT.com like almost a month ago now. I skim around the forum boards there and if i remember correctly it was in an HG rights thread were Maverick laid down the ban hammer on Seto. Also, putting a voice of reason over there is useless, with MEMO and Maverick in control of the threads. It's likely those two will ban any one who disagree with them in a heartbeat. Edit: whoops my reply came late
  10. Wait, MEMO has a twin brother now? http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...genumber=3#post
  11. This is why i think the future of Robotech is bleak. By catering only to the late 20's and 30 something fans and ignoring the potential newcomers, HG basically drove themselves into a corner. Sure, those 30 something fans will stick around for another 10 years or so, but what after? We'll be fans for eternity to our beloved franchises, whether it's Macross or Robotech, but we won't be present in this fandom forever, and a time will come when the baton must be passed on to the next batch. And this is the sad situation of Robotech; when the time comes to pass the baton, there will be nobody to pass it on.
  12. All i can see in the foreseeable future of Robotech is pretty bleak. I mean, most of RT's core fan are those who watched Robotech as a kid back in the 80's, and they haven't been gaining new fans since. And looking at the state of the fandom today and how they are ununified and fighting amongst each other, it's not surprising that some of them become embittered and say 'f**k this, i had enough' and eventually leave the fandom for good. What's left now are a few die hard fans who's only reason for staying is for nostalgia's sake.
  13. I must admit i shed a tear after reading the fan ending of Doraemon. I watched Doraemon back in the early 90's when i was around 9yo where it was shown here in my country every afternoon. I wonder how it would have ended if the original creator didn't die. Also, i cried near the end of 'The Night Before a Wedding' Doraemon movie.
  14. This is what 'The Terrible Trio' (MEMO, Maverick, and Pizza) like to use in their arguments-'the contract'. To them, this 'contract' is an all encompassing ticket that grants HG everything that was in SDF Macross (the characters, mecha, etc..) And the funny thing about this is that they talk as if they know what is in the contract while openly admitting that no one has seen the contract except for those who work in HG. So how then are they so sure what was written in that contract if they haven't seen the contract itself?
  15. And then those who said that you don't own the pizza chain will get kicked out of the house.
  16. You'd be surprised a lot of RT fans still listen to Carl Macek. They still consider him a genius way above Einstein for creating TEH BESTEST SCI-FI EVAR, ROBOTECH!
  17. Q:Why were the characters from the Sentinels so different in appearance from those of the Macross series? A:The reason that the characters look as they do in the Sentinels animation was simply that Harmony Gold could not use the character designs for the existing characters
  19. Well, HG is damn too lazy to introduce a new mecha into the series that's why all RT fans get are rehashes of the same old toys.
  20. I think in the EOtC, they have this Grandfather Paradox where Minmei hooked up with a Zor clone and their son became the original Zor.
  21. I think this was part of Carl Macek's idea of making the Robotech Universe circular. This also gives an explanation as to why the Zentradi are affected by Minmei's singing, because she's supposed to be the 'mother' of the Tirisian and Zentradi races and her songs are like lullabies for them.
  22. Even though we already know what rights Tatsunoko and Big West has to the SDF Macross TV series, there's still a lot of missing pieces to this legal train wreck. And that's the contract between Big West and Tatsunoko which was agreed upon by the two companies sometime in '81.
  23. HG trademarked the word 'Macross' because it's the title of the first saga and is mentioned predominantly in that saga. But what's in 'Macross Saga' stays in 'Macross Saga' and HG can't mention any element from Macross in new productions.
  24. Not deformed enough to gain Rob Leifeld's Seal of Approval. (see pic below)
  25. what i mean is that many long time fans of Battletech/Mechwarrior will be disappointed because one of the 'unseen' mech will be taken out of the game due to problems with the copyright. I understand that they want to please the older fans by putting the Warhammer in Mechwarrior 5, but the situation they're in, they'll run into a problem with HG.
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