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Everything posted by Moly_Sigang

  1. It'll probably involve looking for special flowers that are rare to find which also happens to be the power source for all of their technology. I won't be surprised if BW/SN and Sunrise are already consulting their lawyers right now.
  2. Even if we try to boycott them, there will still be some fanboys who'll buy their merchandises or will eagerly attend their convention appearances even thought it's going to be the same $&*% as last year. Only this time though, they can brag on on how it's Robotech's 25th Anniversary.
  3. It does make you wonder how from being 'Hey we have this awesome new property from Japan called Super Dimension Fortress Macross, and we want to show it in the US' got twisted into 'ORIGINAL CONTENT, DO NOT COPY!!'.
  4. Anyone here thinks HG should change the website name of Robotech.com into a more appropriate. like HGFanboys.com. It'll have the tagline: 'The Official Website of Harmony Gold Fanboys.' I mean, However we look at it, that site no longer function as the official website for Robotech. There are hardly any Robotech fans left there. Just HG fanboys.
  5. Since most of the intelligent folks were banned from that place, now all they're left with are the stupid HG loving neckbeards like Pizza and MEMO.
  6. As a consolation, the chances of HG hijacking DYRL and Macross Zero is pretty slim. However, if they do get the license (probably through underhanded means) and then try to adapt DYRL and Zero as part of Robotech, SN and BW will definitely gonna sue HG for copyright theft or whatever lawsuit that involves copyright/IP infringements. With their shaky legal standing, HG will definitely lose if they get into a legal proceeding. In a way, HG has been known to skirt a little bit far beyond what they can legally claim, and the last time they did this shenanigan, they got burned. I don't think they'll gonna do that kind of stunt again, or they'll get their @sses sued.
  7. Now that we think about it, how long has it been since we heard any new info for Shadow Rising? If i remember correctly, out of all the actual news that rarely came out throughout 2009, most of them were about the RLAM. I can't believe those RT fans over there hasn't figure it out yet.
  8. It makes you wonder if HG really has something planned for the 25th Anniversary other than convention tour appearances. I mean what's the use of hyping Robotech in cons if they can't deliver the goods. This year is an important milestone for Robotech and fans expect something big to happen. But HG will probably try and ruin this celebration.
  9. Another thread is saved thanks to Captain Capslock and Pizzaboy!
  10. Any moment now he's getting the Banhammer from Mav or Memo?
  11. Do you mean this Live action Sailor Moon? Or should i say, SABAN Moon. I wonder what were they smoking when they made this.
  12. Okay i'm only going to say this once: i like Robotech 7, even though Roy Hunter is kinda annoying sometime, and he's a bit of indecisive when it comes to Maia Sterling. Also, R7 has Max and Miria Sterling. 'nuff said. BOMBA!
  13. Ok i just got back from lurking RT.com, and it looks like that is HG's logo for Robotech's 25th Anniversary. I can see where they got some ideas for their 25th Anniversary logo. Now i'm not saying HG ripped off Macross' 25th Anniversary logo, but there's definitely some similarities. In Macross, it's a silhouette of a GERWALK'd Valkyrie at the center. In Robotech, it's a Guardian mode Alpha. Coincidence? Also, i'm WTF'ing at Pizza's comments. He keeps mentioning that the stealth Veritech is a reference to Robotech: Do You Remember Love?.
  14. How about changing the word 'Years' to 'Anniversary' and you got yourself a good logo. you mean like this?
  15. No you're wrong, HG is doing something for teh Robotech 25th Anniversary. That is, attending cons to over-hype Robotech like the same thing they did last year. And the year before that. And the year before that..
  16. Tommy Yune knows how very lucrative the Macross franchise is, and he's just trying to tap into that by turning Robotech into Macross lite. You know what, a good retcon is what Robotech needs right now.
  17. So in Robotech, everyone and their mother knew each other. That reminds me in the Academy Blues where Lisa, Claudia and the bunnies were in the same academy and knew of each other.
  18. I believe the reason Robotech was successful is because of the OSM, the animation and story that was already there, and not Carl Macek's magical editing skills. This is why all their attempts to continue Robotech, by creating new animations to match with their story, have been abysmal. HG has no creativity whatsoever. All they are good at is editing other peoples works and gloat at how superior their version is (or send cease and desist orders). But when it comes to creating original content, they simply can't deliver.
  19. whoopie-do double post Edit: whoa, NotMemo and NotDoug in a cat fight
  20. So which anime is next to be Macekered into Robotech? Kanokon? or Queens Blade perhaps?
  21. Once MEMO hear this, he'll try and twist this news for his own agenda. Now i don't know much about copyright laws, so i'll ask this question on our resident guru Seto: How does 'Industrial Design' fall into the copyright of Macross, and how will it affect the Macross/Robotech copyright mess?
  22. From my own view, some of those Sentinel novel characters are in a Schrodinger's cat situation, stuck in a limbo where they're neither cannon or non cannon until the powers that be say's so. There is still a possibility HG will use those characters in the next installment of robotech (maybe in Shadow Rising?). In TSC, there are already some bits and pieces from Sentinels, so who knows maybe we'll see more. (unless of course if HG manages to release it before the world ends in 2012. ) There are some exception though, like Roy Hunter, since Lisa had a miscarriage and Aurora has been replaced by Maia.
  23. The third pic has a very comicbook superhero-esque pose.
  24. Looks like MEMO is gone but oh well. So let me get this clear, from the 80's up until in 2002, Tatsunoko assumed that they had more rights to Macross than just the international merchandising and distribution rights? Isn't that the reason why Tatsunoko appealed to the Japanese court in 2004(?) since they wanted to seize control of the macross franchise. But that appeal was turned down.
  25. Here's a good fan definition for those lunatic robotech fans like Memo: 'Yunie-Maceckchistic' or alternatively 'Yunie-Macekist'
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