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Everything posted by Moly_Sigang

  1. Bendover did say he's a fan of Gundam. Then again, he'd be ripped apart by Gundam fans.
  2. Let me get this straight; So Zor (Carl Macek) went to Optera (Japan) and manage to get the Flower of Life (SDF Macross) and gave it to the Robotech Masters (Harmony Gold) who then corrupted it into Protoculture (Robotech). Amazing, it does makes sense Seto. I'm sure we could find some other analogues here.
  3. Most of Doug's reasoning are just downright absurd. I mean, he thinks there is no Macross VF that could beat the AGAC because the AGAC carried more missiles (short range missiles).
  4. Since it's Robotech related, wouldn't it be instead 'The Shapings'?
  5. I guess for HG, an employee's death is just an opportunity to shamelessly plug Robotech/RTLAM. I wouldn't be surprised if they'll do the same thing if say Frank Agrama suddenly croaked tomorrow. *knocks on wood*
  6. I have been busy at work for the last three days and i never realized that in those three days a lot of things have happened. I just read the news just today about Carl Macek's passing. Though i admit i hated Carl Macek, but i hope he finds peace in the Protoculture heaven.
  7. http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...genumber=1#post Uh-oh, another one in Memo's banhammer list?
  8. I recently checked some of Doug's recent podcasts and apparently, to him, the legal disputes is just a big hoax supposedly concocted by Seto and his Macross Groupies. And that Seto falsified the court documents to trick the RT fandom. I guess Doug doesn't even try to do some research because there are an @ssload of sites that reference to the court ruling as to why HG can't use any Macross elements in any animated or live action works. And what's up with this BS about HP supposedly hired a hitman to kill him.
  9. After reading that, why do i'm reminded of the Angry Video Game Nerd?
  10. Bah, even if WB decide to not push through with the RTLAM, HG will just probably go back to making crappy Robotech sequels Tommy Yune's fanfiction stories.
  11. I can see it right now, MEMO will be pestering Kevin or Tommy for explanation as to why RTX was taken down.
  12. Has the producer of Astro Plan gonna actually make a season 2 of the series? Any news about that?
  13. That's a whole new different level of f@*ked up sh$t right there. HG is basically sending a message to the fandom that they ( the fans) are no longer allowed to support robotech. This is proof people, HG is trying to kill this already in life-support franchise by alienating their fanbase. http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/metaschool/fi...domain/tm.htm#6 From my understanding, HG will quickly lose their trademark once they no longer have the Macross license, since they can no longer do anything with the trademark without Macross merchandises, and the law doesn't allow anyone to illegally squatting on a trademark.
  14. Isn't the head of Smith & Tinker a former employee of FASA? He should at least have knowledge of the previous lawsuit which forced FASA to abandon the mecha designs derived from Macross/Robotech. Also he should have realized by now how much of a j@ck@$$ HG is when it comes to 'protecting their property', he really had this coming.
  15. A question, so when did Kawamori started working for Satellite? Also, it seems that the whole production of both Shadow Rising and RLAM are stuck in a stable loop. HG can't/won't continue with SR because they're waiting for the RLAM. While the RLAM itself can't move forward because HG frakked themselves for messing up their Macross license.
  16. It could be a possibility that he was assigned to the UN Spacy's moon base as part of the test flight for the VF-4, to gauge it's space worthiness.
  17. So when will Hatsune Miku start hijacking UAV's and mind-controlling people to do her bidding?
  18. So IRL, Tommy, Steve and Kevin pretends to be nice guys, but in the internet, they show their true personality as total @-holes?
  19. HG should make a Robotech version of Where's Waldo?, only instead of Wally/Waldo, you'll need to search for Rick Hunter.
  20. Robotech, it's serious business.
  21. Obviously, he's not finish on trolling Macross fans, he just made an alternate account, 'ROBOTECHTEHBEST', and continued uploading videos of Macross shows and retitling them as Robotech. His video uploads include: All That Veritech (All That VF) Robotech Zero (Macross Zero) Robotech F (Macross Frontier)
  22. Haha, HG will run out of paper if they're going after each and every vendors in Divisoria!
  23. AFAIK the Philippines is a Macross country. There are a lot of Macross fans here, and only a few ever remembered Robotech. I guess HG is trying to tap into the Filipino fanbase? Moly Sigang One more, one more Chicken Joy!
  24. Is that device also powered by Protoculture?
  25. It's annoying how when the personalities who were involved in the OSM's get mentioned, some of these Robotech fans goes: "Holy shoot, they mentioned (insert name here), that must mean Robotech is teh bestest show evar!"
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