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Everything posted by Moly_Sigang

  1. Khuv'rin M'Keeva?
  2. And they also had another panel that was basically about what happened around 4 years ago when HG was invited in a convention on China. They dedicated a panel about a past event that's irrelevant to what's important right now, which is the future of Robotech. God they're just wasting a floor area.
  3. Lol we should start creating Carl Macek facts.
  4. I don't understand these people as to why they keep insisting that Carl Macek single-handedly brought anime in the US as if they're trying to say that those who pioneered in bringing anime in the US from 1960, 1970, to early 1980 didn't exist. That's just downright insulting.
  5. News flash, Robotech is a sold out in Divisoria . All i remember was Robotech being aired every afternoon at 4:00 pm right before Small Wonder. I think it was at the same timeslot as Slamdunk and Sailor Moon. This was like in 1995-1996.
  6. I wonder which area of South East Asia RTSC was aired, because seriously, Robotech is hardly felt here in the Philippines. Though there was that Jollibee (a Philippine fast food chain) Kiddie meals toys a few months back. I dunno how well it was received. The last time Robotech was aired in the Philippines was way back in the mid 90's. As for this 'gimmick', i see it as HG's attempt to keep the fans interested in Robotech and to remind them that this franchise is still alive.
  7. Looks like Memo has uploaded some video of the Robotech panel on AX, though still incomplete. http://www.youtube.com/user/Fanexpo#g/u
  8. This 'new' comic is probably be another TPB of older comics. Or a web comic of PttSC TPB. I guess HG thinks this is a good holdover until the RTLAM comes around. Oh and i just remembered, in a previous con, they showed a short animation of Ariel flying towards the screen with a punch. So i have a reason to believe this Sera pic is just for promotional stuff.
  9. Edit: Hey A7, looks like your effort paid off, and now HG will release Robotech: Astro Plan next year. Alright!
  10. ZZZZZZ..snork...ZZZZZZZ

  11. If they're going to reboot SDFM, my suggestion is to split it into two seasons. The first season would cover from episode 1 up to Dolza's defeat. And season 2 would cover episode 28 to 36 and ends with the departure of the Megaroad 01. I would like to see season 2 as a 20+ episodes that delves more into the characters after SW1 like Hikaru and Misa's shaky relationship. And of course, the Zentradi rebellion. And maybe some Destroid action.
  12. This looks interesting, but then again i'm more looking forward to KOF XIII. Hopefully, this new MK will redeem the franchise.
  13. Guess this weekend Tommy Yune will have a lot of explaining to do.
  14. As long as this movie isn't tied to Robotech or use terminologies from Robotech, then they're safe.
  15. http://www.robotechx.com/forums/42-other-anime-series/12393-x-xocets-third-faction-army-2010.html Looks like some fans are making their own animated movie with Robotech/Macross inspiration. I must say it looks good, but the animation (like the big battle at the end of the first trailer), seems iffy, like in Astro Plan. Nice effort though.
  16. Or maybe Dr. Lang transferred his consciousness into Janice Em so that he can continue researching on Protoculture and the Shaping. Too bad for Louie though.
  17. Here's one question that's been bothering me; is the SDF-2 still considered canonical in Robotech? I mean, it's a phantom ship that was awkwardly put in as a plot device. Aside from the short blurb about it listing, there's no other indication to it's existence. So does it really exist?
  18. I always thought by now they'd at least update their website also. But no, HG has to be as cheapskate as possible.
  19. Something like Night Trap? You play an RDF Soldier who must keep Lisa, Minmei, Claudia, Sammy, Vanessa, and Kim safe while they're having a slumber party.
  20. And by terrible show you mean like Raiders Of Galaxy?
  21. Design-wise the Gamma fighter has similarity to the Lightning and Vampire with the wing nacelle.
  22. That would be a much better comparison of the difference in art styles between Robotech and SDF Macross. Specially now HG is basing the remaining 'Macross Saga' characters on their Sentinels redesigns.
  23. I was wondering about what scene where re-tweaked on the TBP which Tommy hinted on the Robotech Espanol Podcast.
  24. My suggestion would be to pick any of those Disney teen stars like Demi Lovato to play as 'Minmei' in the RTLAM.
  25. 1. Yes, HG can send C&D order to companies selling Macross toys/video games/Macross sequels in the US. 2. I believe they can, since recently, RT.com has started selling Revoltech Valks. 3. This is what HG is aiming for.
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