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Everything posted by Moly_Sigang

  1. Looks like that thread is finally locked. Anyway, if what Mckeever said is true, then this 2011 project should have been SR.
  2. To those who've seen the teaser, how was the animation for RT: 2011? Did it improve over TSC's animation, or it's the same quality?
  3. Oh man, i thought it was the new characters for RT: Astro Plan. Anyway, is that suppose to be a teaser for RT 2011? If so, then Tommy is recycling his previous works from Speed Racer now?
  4. And don't forget the lack of new trivia quizzes too. Or the lack of new things for Robotech for that matter.
  5. Ah, the darkside of search engines, it got tons of these misleading websites. I wonder how many RT fans were fooled into clicking the site thinking it has actual content about Robotech.
  6. So at the last leg of the race the Valkyries can use their gunpods as blunt weapons? That would be awesome to see Valkyries beating each other with their Gunpods.
  7. Since there are no new info on the RTLAM, for RT fans anything that has nothing to do with Robotech can be a source of speculation.
  8. There was that announcement where WB intends to turn the RLAM into a tent pole franchise, so i guess they're gonna market Robotech as is. So this movie is probably not RTLAM in disguise. EDF sounds like another alien invasion sci-fi.
  9. That reads like a fanfic from fanfiction.net. But who knows, maybe Tommy Yune will put an avatar of himself as a cameo in the upcoming Rt 2011 sidequel. Or as a dedication to the 'creator' of Robotech, a cameo of Carl Macek.
  10. So Doug is the new Pizza the Hut?
  11. I just skimmed through RT.com forums, and it seems Rhade is convinced that the Macross franchise is ending and that Kawamori supposedly stated this. Where is this rumor coming from?
  12. Somebody just uploaded the picture of the Hover Cyclones and are making a discussion on it over at the RT/Macross section of Palladiums forum.
  13. So the S'landai's are like a combination of the Protodevilins and Haydonites. Imagine if they add that line in TSC. "The Awareness has foreseen, let us begin *dramatic pause* the SIPHONING".
  14. Looks good but, the concept of the Ark Angel transforming into a robot seems a bit flawed on a practical stand point. For starter, the transformation gives them no advantage. After looking at that picture, it looks like the synchro cannon is fixed on the back and doesn't swivel like the main cannon of the SDF-1, or detach and become a gunship. So it means that the main cannon is only useful in ship mode. In the end, it would only make the Ark Angel as a big target and put the civilians in danger.
  15. The question now is, if Tommy Yune has any plan on using all these designs he made. I mean, why waste time making them if they're not gonna be used at all? They may not be the best looking designs, but at least it's a good start for HG to start making their own designs rather than just relying on Mospeada.
  16. Wasn't it already specified that all the newer SDF ships no longer had any transformation capability?
  17. Big West did gave Tatsunoko the international rights to SDF Macross, but from my understanding, they didn't waiver their whole rights to the show.
  18. Apparently, HG has their own definition of 'originality', aka reusing old stuff over and over or alternatively, taking credit for other people's work.
  19. http://www.firstshowing.net/2010/09/29/sam-raimi-and-warner-bros-starting-an-earth-defense-force/ Their description of this project is a mixture of Top Gun, Independence Day and The Last Starfighter. From the outline of the plot there makes me think this movie will have a bit of Robotech/Macross influence, though i'm not expecting any planes that transform into robots or singing. If Sam Raimi isn't directing this, who do you think should?
  20. It's kind of sad that the only reason Tommy Yune signed up for IReport was just so he could plug Robotech.
  21. The next Macross series should be the search for Admiral Hikaru Ichijyo and the missing SDF-3 Megaroad-01. Kidding aside, i think there's a lot of good story to tell in the franchise, specially during the gaps between each sequels like between 2012 to 2040 or 2047 to 2058. Maybe have it take place on a colony planet.
  22. And then the endless loop continues on.
  23. I think HG likes to pretend that Robotech didn't have a 15+ year drought, so they would rather not talk about the 90's.
  24. So what if the RTLAM doesn't use the Macross related designs but still follow the same basic outline of the story of SDFM, can Big West still take some legal action to stop the RTLAM?
  25. It's going to be a Special Limited Protoculture Deluxe 25th Anniversary Edition of Love Live Alive.
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