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Everything posted by Moly_Sigang

  1. Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up. I guess a lot of older Battletech/Mechwarrior fans will be very disappointed when the game comes out.
  2. I have a question here for you Seto; Now, what if Jordan Weissman got the permission from Big West/Studio Nue to use the Destroid mechas in Mechwarrior, how will this affect Harmony Gold and their Merchandising Rights?
  3. Too bad for Warner Brothers because HG, the company whom they got the rights from to make this movie, doesn't have the rights to the anime (Macross) which this movie will be based on. That's kinda like buying a car only to be told by the guy who sold it to you that the car doesn't have an engine, so in order for it to work you have to buy the engine separately.
  4. I guess the only Robotech site PTH can go now is Disciple of Zor, unless he got banned there also. Then he'll be forced to try the My Little Pony fansite like Jasonc suggested.
  5. Imagining a 1:1 statue of 'rise up' Sheryl :nosebleed: On the issue of MEMO, he can speak english perfectly and yet he has problem writing cohesive sentences?
  6. R.I.P. Patrick Swayze After i heard about his death, i had this weird thought that suddenly popped into my head. Somehow i'm picturing that famous scene from Ghost with Demi Moore trying to mold a clay into a pot with Patrick Swayze's ghost guiding her, only replace the two with Claudia and Roy. I picture it like this: Claudia is molding a clay into a pot with that spinning thingy with Roy's ghost guiding her. While Unchained Melody id being played.
  7. link: http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...&forumid=31 Once again MEMO is misinterpreting Tommy Yune's statement so to give this impression that Tatsunoko owns those '41 images'. The Japanese ruling gave the rights to those '41 images' to Studio Nue and not Tatsunoko.
  8. Their other theme song will include the new version of Lonely Soldier Boy now renamed as 'Lonely Soulja Boi' TOMMMYYYY YYYUUUUUUUUUUUUNE!!! CRANK THAT SOULJA BOI!!!!!! TOMMMYYYYYY YUUUUUUUUUUUNNNE!!!!!!
  9. While we're on the issue of Shadow Chronicles, should RTSC be considered a sequel? For me it feels more like an extended edition of 'Symphony of Light'.
  10. Correct me if i'm wrong, but from what i gather, Studio Nue already created the characters, mecha and ship designs even before Tatsunoko came in. Hence, BW/SN own those copyrighted designs as proven by the court rulings.
  11. Well, all i can say is it's not your loss, it's theirs. They lost a valuable fan who supported them for how many years. You and many other fans don't deserve to be treated that way, since part of Robotech's success was due to the fanbase's support. anyway, WECOME TO MACROSSWORLD
  12. You guys do know that Robotechfanplus is back to trolling Macross videos on Youtube. Now he/she is using a new account named Robotechtehbest. Like they say, old habit is hard to break. Oh well, i guess Jamesbond77 and 009FGH and several other Macross fans on Youtube will be dealing with this guy.
  13. In a way, Robotech share some of these problems. Shitty writing (Carl Macek & Tommy Yune), the refusal to tell a story straight off and end it without trying to milk the same exact character (poor Rick Hunter, HG will continue to whore him and the rest of the remaining Macross Saga characters, in shitty sequels), and absolute disregard for anything remotely resembling a static continuity.
  14. Hey,it's just happens that my fathers, brothers, neighbors, cousins, former roommate was a former plastic surgeon who just happens to also work on an oil rig off the Philippines.
  15. so MEMO took the 'we own everything Robotech' out of context to mean that HG can use anything from SDF Macross? So his claim is false then?
  16. This might be very interesting indeed, that is if MEMO actually delivers and provide evidence for once (and by evidence, i mean real evidence and not something he pulled out of his ALIEN STAR SHIP)
  17. I agree, HG should distance themselves from Macross. I think it would have been better if HG started over from scratch, use Mospeada as the base (since HG can pretty much do what they want with it) and have all their future animated series/OAV as sequels to Mospeada.
  18. Maybe HG will finally say what's Shadow Rising's current status is (is it still on or have they abandoned it in favor of RLAM). 'Robotech: Do You Remember Us?' lol
  19. So it's gonna be another year of the usual stuff? Convention tours throughout the year and sell more toys like that stealth VF-1. They're 25th anniversary is terribly unexciting, unless they have some sort of surprise.
  20. If you look at it, Shadow Rising is going nowhere and the RLAM is taking forever to start production. Meanwhile on Japan, there's two upcoming Macross Frontier movies. The first one will be showing this November, while the second one is coming sometime 2010. I wonder what will be HG's reaction? They don't have anything to show to try and upstage the MacF movie.
  21. They should change their company's name to 'Hemorrhage Gold'
  22. This passionate hatred for Macross probably stems from HG favoring Macross (Veritech FTW!) and Mospeada (basis for the new continuation of the franchise) more and leaving Southern Cross/Masters Saga to gather dusts.
  23. Dougbendo also firmly believes space helicopter>any VF from any of the Macross series.
  24. i just listened to one of dougbendover's rants on talkshoe (specifically the 'talking about Macross Frontier' episode). And all i can say is LOL AJAX COULD BEAT THE VAJRA'S LOLOL :lol:
  25. I think the 'Supreme Commander' thing is more like a title than a rank.
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