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Everything posted by BlackRose

  1. I always assumed that Keith was like Alto, totally Valkyrie-sexual. That he isn't seen showing interest in a girl doesn't mean much IMO since the Aerial Knights are a total sausage fest because they don't seem to allow women to join. If there are no girls around he won't have a chance to show interest in girls. I don't know if his bromance with Messer counts.
  2. The VF-0改 showed you could make a VF-0-shaped shell around a bunch of YF-25 parts, not that you could really upgrade a VF-0 into an AVF.
  3. The VF-1 uses the roll control verniers on the wingtips even in atmosphere. It was visible a couple times in Macross Delta episode 3.
  4. Keith's manga annoys the piss out of me because there's not enough characterization there for it to stand on its own merits but it could've made the animated series a lot less awful if the Windermere side had more backstory behind their animosity than just "someone blew up a town". Bogue is the worst part. He was annoying in the series but in this manga he's practically got a crush on Keith and he comes in only two modes: Bogue the Sad and Bogue the Stalker. Windermere Knight School Host Club would be a lot more fun to read. I can't even read Macross E because the artist only seems to care about drawing jiggling boobs and everything else is half-assed.
  5. I wasn't impressed. This show didn't end, it just stopped. There was no closure. Keith and Roid and Qasim are all dead but Heinz and the Aerial Knights are still around and were barely involved in the actual plan, so they didn't learn anything from their defeat. All the garbage about Lady M and Megaroad-01 and the Protoculture was a big unanswered mess. Xaos didn't win. Windermere got stabbed in the back, then took its toys and went home. The whole series was like a bad Macross 7 fanfic with the Jamming Birds as the heroes instead of Sound Force.
  6. I love the SP attacks in Macross 30. Nothing relieves stress like using it as a F-YOU button for annoying bosses.

  7. Not really. The GU-11's optimal range is what, like 1.1km in Master File? It isn't a long range gun. You don't have air friction, crosswinds, and gravity pulling shells off course, so the shells should be moving a little faster in space. You just have more time to see the shooter coming in space.
  8. For two groups of people: the ones who are really into moe, and the ones with a pantsu fetish. You need to belong to one of those groups or be huge into world war 2 trivia to enjoy watching Strike Witches. Since the director died recently I'm watching the live action version of Perfect Blue. I think I like the anime better.
  9. Love the quote from Funkenstein in your sig!

  10. Well duh, look who's talking. It's Doug Bendo. Unsubstantiated claims and ignorance aren't new additions to his repertoire, they're his stock in trade. I've listened to a few of his podcasts, and there's no doubt in my mind that if we stopped to comment every time he said something stupid that didn't make sense or obviously wasn't true, this thread would be one long discussion about how Doug Bendo doesn't have a goddamn clue and lives in a fantasy world. We'd probably have to rename the thread from "HG and Robotech Debates" to "The Doug Bendo Idiocy Hour". It's not like anybody with a functioning brain would take that idiot seriously. Even on a good day he's almost unintelligable. Better to just ignore him and wait for him to look up and drown himself the next time it rains.
  11. Oh yeah, it looks like "Captain Capslock" (very clever, by the way ) and "Pizzaboy" think that Mike (Seto) was the only one capable of forming an intelligent opinion and clearly articulating it, so anyone who can spot the use of bullshit and wild mass guessing being used as a substitute for hard facts and deductive reasoning must, by their logic, be Seto in disguise. Nobody else would dare to criticize the obvious plot holes and misinformation that pass for knowledge among Robotech fans. If my ban is anything to go by, they're not used to two people who access the site living in the same region outside of California. Odd, but they never seemed to mind my having an account there when Mike and I were living together, but now that I've moved out of his place (and out of the city altogether) when I access the site I'm suddenly accused of being a clone account? I wonder if they'll boot XakeTheDark for being a clone account too since he lives close to us. Thank you. You're entirely correct, I was introduced to Macross first when I saw Macross II and Macross Plus when I was living in Nagano. Mike introduced me to Robotech in college as an example of how anime had been bastardized and what was keeping Macross out of the US. I remember thinking it was a little like Macross with all the subtlety boiled out and dialog that sounded as though it'd been sent to the US by having a drunk skim it and then read it aloud from memory over a staticky overseas cell phone connection, with ear bleedingly bad music included in the bargain. It really reinforced my initial impression that American anime fans were completely insane. An impression that seeing the cosplayers at American conventions did nothing to diminish. (where's a vomiting smiley when you need one?)
  12. Model kits by Divine Intervention? That's a new one. I'd love some new FSS kits. ESPECIALLY if I didn't have to paint them. Those fiddly little bastards require a ridiculously steady hand, like the Jagd Mirage Green Dragon. I did one of those with Seto back in 2007 and it took us over two months just to paint it properly. Just remember, he only promised he won't destroy the world using water. Lots of other stuff is still fair game. Yes. They're well worth the money.
  13. I think that's always going to be the central reason for keeping Macross II a parallel world story. It's set so far in the future that it limited the avenues open to Kawamori for expanding the universe after he returned to the franchise with Macross Plus. Rather than work around it, it was easier to just make it its own timeline.
  14. Now that's disappointing. I was looking forward to seeing the movie with my sister fly into Nagano to visit family in January. I was hoping it'd live up to the series.
  15. Okay, nobody crucify me for being a Playstation n00b or anything, but I have a question. My apartment just got renovated a few weeks ago, and one of the new perks that came with the raised rent, the new furniture and everything was a wall-mounted 50" plasma screen TV. I was wondering, could anyone tell me how good the Blu-Ray playback on the Playstation 3 is? My sister's been itching to buy one for like the last three months and I wanted to know if it was worth getting for the Blu-Ray playback feature too now that I have a HDTV.
  16. I step out for a few months and when I come back Mike's a cult leader? Sure-fire signs that a Robotech fansite is dead, dying, or populated by idiots: Maverick_LSC and MEMO1DOMINION are members there. Maverick_LSC and MEMO1DOMINION are moderators there. People refer to the live-action movie without skepticism. People are expected to take MEMO1DOMINION's theories about the licensing debates seriously. Someone honestly tries to defend Shadow Chronicles. Someone honestly tries to defend Harmony Gold. Someone honestly tries to defend one or more of those failed RT sequels. Robotech is compared to Macross as though they were on the same level. From what people tell me, RobotechX has been teetering on the brink for ages and now it's finally gone over. No loss, it's just a Robotech site after all.
  17. Wow... now there is a review written by someone in deep, DEEP denial. It's been a while since I last tried to watch Robotech, but I'm pretty sure the Invid didn't forgive Zor for stealing protoculture. If I remember right, they got all snooty, proclaimed that Earth and humanity were too badly tainted with the "shadow of the Robotech Masters" for them to stick around, and left. How does combining one good show (Macross), one not great but not bad show (Mospeada), and twenty three episodes of concentrated agony (Southern Cross) equal greatness? Yeah, I don't understand their claims of epic-ness about Robotech. The changing of aesthetics between sagas is so jarring and uncomfortable it happens with an almost audible "clunk".
  18. If the trend that started in 2004 is any indication, how Macross will fit into future Harmony Gold plans is not really a concern after all. When they made Robotech: the Shadow Chronicles, Harmony Gold went to great lengths to get every Macross holdover who wasn't absolutely plot-critical out of the picture, mostly by killing them off. Legally, they can't use any of the mechanical or character designs in future derivative works (animated OR live-action), so for the forseeable future they're just going to keep basing everything on Southern Cross and Mospeada. We might see them pull the same old stunt they did in the 90's, and rehash the "Macross Saga" through several different comic releases, but that's about the extent of what they can do legally. I'd bet that Harmony Gold is going to resolutely plow ahead with their Mospeada-derived sequel plan, making as few references to Macross as possible. Well, the Shadow Chronicles thing was doomed from the word "go", because Macross is, was, and always will be the most popular of the three parts of Robotech by a considerable margin. Mospeada is an incredibly distant second, and Southern Cross is treated like the red-headed stepchild of an orphaned chimney sweep, sitting ignored and unloved, except for one or two tiny references to placate the nine or ten rabid fans of the Masters Saga. Well, yeah. That's mostly because Harmony Gold has made it clear that all their hopes are riding on the LAM, and common sense is enough to show that if either goes under, it'll mean the start of a new 20-year silence from Harmony Gold, effectively killing the franchise. It also doesn't help that Harmony Gold is outright lying to fans about its ability to use Macross in future works, which has got a lot of fans asking awkward questions.
  19. Yeah, so many issues that Harmony Gold issued a recall for it. Not only was it manufactured from inferior materials, it had design issues (several parts from the normal Alpha MPC were used that weren't supposed to be, including the intake covers).
  20. It's Jeebers writing it, you can sum it up as sycophantic, ignorant, and usually pretty damn stupid. Jeebers is one of the foremost bullshitters on Robotech.com. He loves to bash Macross, though he admits he has only ever seen Robotech's Macross Saga and Macross Plus, the latter of which he made no effort to understand. Every time someone steps up to correct him, he runs crying to the moderators claiming that they're making fun of him. Even his grasp of Robotech is pretty shaky. He's gotten yelled at by the moderators a few times for bashing Palladium, and for flaming members who point out the flaws in his home-made D20 version of the Robotech RPG. He plays "pick and choose" with plot elements and technologies from the main story, the non-canon comics, and the McKinney novels.
  21. No, none do. Just stuff from Mospeada and a few generic ships. Well, they're able to use the VF-X-4 in the comics, that much is for sure, because it appeared in "Robotech: From the Stars".
  22. Sounds about right. No, they aren't. They can use the VF-X-4, because that appears in the animation they have the rights to, but not the actual VF-4 from Flashback 2012. Tommy dodged the problem of having to work out a transformation for the VF-X-4 (since there isn't one for that plane) by having it encounter mechanical problems. To the best of my knowledge, Tommy has only ever created one new transforming mecha. A blurry, out-of-focus image of the so-called "Gamma fighter" was used during the initial hype-building for RTSC, but never made it into the flick. It looks a lot like a transformable Conbat, with a battroid mode that looks rather like a VF-5000B.
  23. Two words... "Robotech Brassiere".
  24. Tommy Yune has always been good at appealing to sweaty teenagers with holes in their pockets. Because of that, he was probably the best writer and artist the Danger Girl series ever had. As far as Maia Sterling, he was probably trying to avoid having her actually look like a child of Max and Milia. Harmony Gold might deny that the fallout of the Tatsunoko thing didn't affect them, but their work speaks for itself, and says that they're trying really hard to avoid using anything of Mikimoto's. Harmony Gold's stated goal for Robotech: the Shadow Chronicles was to attract new viewers to the franchise, and their target demographic was the 13-21 year olds. We all know how hormonal teenage boys are. They'll snap up any show that has a pair of big, jiggling boobs on the cover. Harmony Gold never really understood that their average fan is closing on 30 years old, and for most of that age group such blatant fanservice tends to come across as condescending. I've noticed a lot of the male Robotech fans who try and defend Yune's new, sexier character designs are single, and with no prospects, so that might answer a few nagging questions about why they're so keen on Tommy's designs. If that was meant to be a joke at his own expense, the execution was spectacularly poor. It sounds far more like an attempt to avoid taking the blame for turning Robotech into the Tits and Explosions Variety Hour. Pretty much so, yes. Megazone 23 at least got some good trailer exposure. ADV never really did that for Mospeada. They DID have a story adviser, one of the script writers from Genesis Climber Mospeada... Kenji Terada. I wasn't kidding. I've NEVER met a woman with a figure like the Shadow Chronicles characters who wasn't at least 50% implant. The way he draws women, I'm guessing there are a lot of very overworked chiropractors and masseuses in the REF, because women that slim with breasts that enormous have to have some serious back problems. Hell, I'm slim enough to cosplay Ishtar and make it look pretty good, and my waist is still probably twice as big around as any of the women in Shadow Chronicles. They're drawn like Barbie dolls, a desperate, single man's fantasy girl. I will cut Tommy a little slack, because he at least threw in a little bit of beefcake for the female viewers. The real difference there is that in Macross the aliens are portrayed (usually) as being okay people who humanity eventually comes to terms with. In Robotech, the aliens inevitably get wiped out for getting in the way of humanity's manifest destiny. The aliens are always evil in Robotech... and not the ambiguous sort of evil we get these days, the 50's sci-fi serial sort of evil that has them gabbling things like "I'll get you next time!" or "Curses! Foiled again!". Let me give you the name and number of a good optometrist.
  25. I've seen a couple unscrupulous comic shops in the US selling bootleg Macross DVDs, but from what I've heard they're just commonly available hard-subbed fansubs burned to DVD.
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