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Everything posted by Brand-X

  1. Ah good to know, thanks a lot. One more question, are the subs on the movie version the same hard-coded subs as on the original DVD release?
  2. Ya know, Macross Plus is definitely my favourite Macross series, probably because it has so many elements that are completely unlike every other Macross. More mature characters and situations, less focus on the singing, no magic, a real human enemy (I don't mean literally human, but having actual characterization) and a close focus on a few main characters, rather than having a bunch of one-shot characters that only show up when needed for the plot, and are thus given completely two dimensional characterization. Part of that is because of the length, it's nice and short and thus the tight focus really added to the show. I wish they could find a bit of the magic that they found when making Plus again.
  3. I know this is a bit of a dead thread, but looking at that pre-order on AmiAmi it doesn't list the movie as part of the set. Is that intentional?
  4. Wow! I want my YF-19 to look like that... what did you do? Was it a simple ink wash or something more? #totalnoob.
  5. Actually on the note of Hasegawa references, I understand they were made using CAD techniques, and thus should perfectly line up with itself in all views. Does anyone have any high res pictures of this, as the references I'm currently using are from the Macross Mecha manual, and many do not match eachother in various views when you really get down to it. Other than that, any other high res, orthographically correct references would be appreciated if there are any floating around.
  6. I'd say a lot of that comes down to the lighting. It's pretty bright and nearly directly overhead, so seeing those angles is difficult. From other views they're fairly prominent. EDIT: An example with harsher lighting and a more angular view:
  7. And another update here:
  8. Well, the gunpod matches up with the schematics I have. As for the upper and lower legs, each are still separate objects, but I haven't modeled the intersection between them yet
  9. Bit of an update here, got the beginnings of a gunpod, upper arms, and some more detail on the upper intakes and upper legs, as well as some slight reshaping here and there: Also, back to clay renders for now, the colours were really just for testing purposes, as mentioned. Also, I'm aware of the slight smoothing problem at the back of the upper surface, and also the kneecaps are too big, already fixed
  10. Yup, it's me, the same one. I didn't expect that there'd be two others here from HLP though. Bit of a surprise, but also welcome to be noticed. Thank you guys for your praise.
  11. Agreed on the corners issue. Also, Fade, what is your user name on HLP? And thanks for the recognition, always nice to have a fan
  12. Yes, it will be transformation ready. And it's sitting at around 25,000 polies so far.
  13. Well, just on a whim the other day decided to start putting this together, mostly just a fun project for me as a diversion from my usual work. Figured I'd post it up here as it goes, and see what you guys think. So without further ado, here's my first WIP shots (Please ignore the colours, they're for materials testing purposes mostly.)
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