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Everything posted by optimuscarlos

  1. OK, I didn't know, Thanks!!
  2. Hi guys, I try to put this on the trade forum buy for some reason I can't post there, maybe some admin can help me and move this to the right place. Thanks Selling this pack because I've had it for 2 years and I put it on my valkyries only a couple of times. Rest of the time has been in the box. As many collectors may well know space is critical for some of us, so if I am not using it I better let it go. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MACROSS-1-60-fold-booster-and-fastpack-YF-19-y-YF-21-SHIPS-EMS-FROM-COSTA-RICA-/331033874852?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d132811a4
  3. Hi, does anybody know if the new coming, Armored messiah valkyrie, would be able to put on and put off the armor with no necesity for replacing parts? I don't want to (or I can't) spend so much money buying a normal valkyrie, a super valkyrie and a armored valkyrie, so, I was thinking on buying only the armored valkyrie and the set of super parts and try to someway making the armors attachable, like a toy. Could that be possible?!! what do you think?
  4. Hey, does anybody know if the new coming, Armored messiah valkyrie, would be able to put on and put off the armor with no necesity for replacing parts? I don't want to (or I can't) spend so much money buying a normal valkyrie, a super valkyrie and a armored valkyrie so I was thinking on buying only the armored valkyrie and the set of super parts and try to someway making the armors attachable, like a toy. Could that be possible?!!
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