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Everything posted by killken

  1. killken

    Hi-Metal R

    That is awesome! Monster looks huge!
  2. I have started work on the sequel
  3. It's coming but it'll be a while yet.
  4. Hellz yeah
  5. LOL I finally got a copy of Macross Zero and I have never seen this before, thought I had so that is all a coincidence
  6. This is looking awesome so far mate! Well done
  7. Cheers mate thanks. I am currently in the process of getting the characters together for a follow up but I estimate it will quite a while before it is done.
  8. Looks better then the tornado pack to me...
  9. pre-order is back up and i got mine woohoo
  10. Any word on a release date for this?
  11. Oh I will have to watch it again. Thanks Black Valkyrie.
  12. I watched Macross Zero ages ago and don't remember that happening....
  13. Cheers guys
  14. Hey guys I made this over 4 months when I had spare time. Excuse the Robotech but I grew up watching that not Macross when I was a kid. I am planning a follow up which will take a LOT more time for what I am planning .
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