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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. Spider-Man was the first in the line of Marvel's "Flawed Heroes". He actually tried to join the Fantasic Four in order to help pay the rent, but sadly, the FF was a non-profit organization.No worries, though. He joined a version that had Wolverine, Ghost Rider, and I think what was either the adult version of The Incredible Hulk or the Mr. Fixit version (it's been so long ago I can't remember which one). I see Doug Bend-over was wise enough to avoid a lawsuit; probably the first good thing he did that I know of. The son of a bitch even tried flaming one of my threads over at Robotech.com (I think it was the civil debate over which military had the better mecha evolution, Macross or RDF/REF).
  2. My only complaint for the game so far is that when you get a new weapon, the ammo count for all your weapons get reset to normal amounts, but that's if you have the extra ammo armor piece equipped.
  3. I certainly hope that they don't nerf Bane like they did with the Burtonesque films; at least get someone with muscle on their frame, and not someone who looked like he really enjoyed his beer and burgers.
  4. This was the first (and only) movie to give me nightmares for three days straight after seeing it. Granted I was about twelve or thirteen when I first saw the thing on The Movie Channel (we just gotten cable here; we the now defucnt Qube service I believe), so you can probably understand where I'm coming from. The worst part in my opinion was a toss-up between the dog transformation scene and the scene where Windows bought it.
  5. It's also a fact that he was handpicked as a boy by Hitler himself to be the Nazi version of a Super Soldier.And, guys, in case you haven't guessed, I'm definately not P.C.; I believe in showing the truth about characters, no matter how ugly the subject matter their origins are.
  6. Good choices from the thrash masters. I especially like "Mary Jane" from So Far, So Good... So What As for "Angry Again", it's so hard to believe that an Original Motion Picture Soundtrack would be so much better than the movie itself ("Last Action Hero") Speaking of which, I also like "What the Hell Have I", "Little Bitter" (Alice in Chains), the title track (Tesla), "Cock the Hammer" (Cypress Hill), "Poison My Eyes" Anthrax, "Big Gun" (AC/DC), "Real World" (Queensryche), and "Two Steps Behind" (Def Leppard) off that soundtrack.
  7. So I can torture people viewing this page!!!
  8. Yeah, I know that, I was just paraphrasing what was printed in one of ManOwaR's album liner notes.Ronnie James Dio certainly proved that you can use synthesizers and still kick maximum ass in the song "Rainbow in the Dark". |--| (my half-assed attempt at an ACSII maloik)
  9. Flamebait much, areaseven?
  10. I think it's sad that the only names I recognize on that list are The Edge and Randy Orton.
  11. God, is that suit fugly. But then again, I like the original red and blue costume he wore in the 60's and 70's anyway.I certainly hope they don't screw up the black costume, but then again, how hard is it to screw up the symbiote (and the replacement costume Felicia Hardy made for him when he got rid of the thing way back in the classic Web of Spider-Man comics)?
  12. I think this is what you're looking for. I think it's a pic of the Skull before he donned his mask. The reason why they didn't slap a N.A.Z.I. swastika on his arm is beyond me, since I think in the original comics the Skull didn't affiliate himself with Hydra until he got thawed well after WWII (I have to read his bio again at the Marvel website to be sure); Unless this is the Ultimate version of Cap (I haven't read any of the Ultimate Comics, so I'm guessing here).
  13. I think Johhny Depp would make a better Spike than Keanu Reeves ever would.
  14. Poser my ass.Why don't you just reach down, grab your knees, and pull your head out of your ass, areaseven???
  15. Edit: Created by a dirty old man (Go Nagi)- check.
  16. Directed by a dirty old man (Go Nagai)- check.
  17. Do you guys actually believe that ol' Tommy will come out and say "My artwork can stop a clock"? I don't know why I actually "invested" in the Wildstorm Comics back in '03. Oh yeah, they were intresting... ...until Love and War came out. God, what a train wreck that story was; it was worse than Return to Macross. At least I bailed after issue one of that one, the only reason I bought #2 of Love and War was I actually believed that the story couldn't get any worse than it was. The only good thing about that second issue of Love and War is that it made me forswear the Wildstrom line of Robotech Comics.
  18. I just get sick and tired of seeing that message every time I open a page. I can't tell you how many times I've bought it while checking the score. The teabagging was a nice, if unnecessary, touch. This is a case of people with just the right amount of time on their hands.
  19. The terminator was an upset for a lot of fans. Really easy if you have the nuke gun. I have yet to try the Nuke Gun on the final boss, probably because I'm in love with the Collector Particle Beam Cannon. You do know that The Harbinger drops heavy weapon ammo packs when he dies during the final battle, don't you?
  20. Agreed. I would love to play Nuketown on MW2. That map has got to be better to play on than Rust.
  21. Absolutely no arguement there. Good video, too.Oh, and areaseven, only ManOwaR are the Kings of Metal!!! No pedals, only pure, unadultarated METAL!!! Hell, they've got the Guiness World Record for being the loudest band ever. Good cover, though.
  22. ...Is that Yohsitaka Amano I see charging Tommy Yune with a katana for ruining his work?
  23. A little bit of CoD: Black Ops, a little bit of Modern Warfare 2, a little bit of Mass Effect 2, a little bit of Medal of Honor, a little bit of Red Dead Redemption...Basicly I got bit by the multiplayer bug, with the exception of Mass Effect 2.
  24. I hope the story for the new movie will be good, so let's not feed the rumor mill. Something a little off topic, but related to a previous post I made, the final show on Qubo's Night Owl block is BraveStarr (anyone wants 30-30's rifle *cough* howitzer *cough*?)
  25. Anyone catch the new Iron Maiden viedo? Good Lord, is Eddie really a bastard in that one.
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