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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. Megs wasn't a tank in the first Bey movie, he was a starship (my brother has the figure), with his head is on top of the ventral fuselage in vehicle mode hidden. I have no freaking idea what he'll look like in the sequel.
  2. If the track record for the various series goes, then Megatron will most likely be renamed Galvatron for his return.
  3. I thought you were talking about G1 Transformers when you made that post, that's all.
  4. Arcee was a futuristic pink car (hopefully a Cadillac ) in the G1 series. It was in Energon where she was a motorcycle as the Omnicon leader.
  5. Don't knock Tim Burton, but there some genres that some directors don't do well (his two Batman movies were excellent). As for Boll and Verhoeven, those two are the King Midases of dung. Point #1: Sclock doesn't even begin to describe that crap. It definately is one of the worst book adaptations out there. Point #2: I'd rather be here than there anyway. The TOU over there is as facist as you can get. Point #3: Nice to see another Baldur's Gate II fan out there (the user interface is better than the first game, and the vocal talent is much better as well). I just have to find the time to upload a pic of Minsc from my bonus disk to Photobucket.com (yes I do have the large box set of the Baldur's Gate II Collection).
  6. Yeah, I meant Brawn. I must have been so upset that I mixed up the names. Brawl was a Combaticon, wheras Brawn was a miniture SUV. Hound was the Jeep.
  7. I don't have a PSP, so I'm SOL.
  8. Absolutely worst sci-fi movie of all time: The first Starship Troopers. Let's just say I read the Heinlien masterpiece before watching that POS on videotape. Dig up my rant thread on Robotech.com to get the details (I'd link to it if I could, but Steve Yun, in his ultimate wisdom {and lack of sense of humor} decided to permaban me from that site). To say I didn't like the film is putting it mildly. Although I can make a case for Plan 9 From Outer Space, but since it became a cult classic because Ed Wood went out of his way to make that movie as terrible as it was, I give it second place.
  9. I saw the trailer for this trian wreck of a movie. What I saw basically was the equivilent of pissing on Toriyama Akiria's classic work. The person they chose to play Son Gouku looked like a total and complete dork. The setting of the movie looked like modern Earth, wheras the Earth in the anime was set in the far future. The only redeeming thing about the movie was the actor chosen to play Kame-san. To rip off a phrase from another movie (a more humorous one, but just as much a train wreck) "Toriyama Akira is rolling in his grave, and the freaking guy isn't even dead yet!" I think I'll pass on this one.
  10. A fellow Texan. I live in Harris County, myself. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
  11. Sorry about that, Seto. Looks like I put my size 12 Ozark Trail hiking shoe into my size 13 mouth when I started this thread. I'll let this thread die after I post this reply. Either that or we just let the moderators delete this thread.
  12. Michael Bey should have his head examined for gracing us with his version of the franchise. The first movie had enough differances in it to piss off diehard G1 fans. For example: Turning Brawl into a Decepticon???!!! What the Hell is up with that? Naming the main human character Sam Whitwiky instead of Spike? Are you kidding me? And the one scene that really makes me go ballistic... Feds searching a house without a freaking search warrant!!! I don't know about you, but if that douce-bag tried to pull that in real life, the least that would happen to him would be he would get fired!!! I hate to say it, but that douche-bag director has his head so far up his ass it's not funny.
  13. This site is the forum site for the offical Macross II Lover's Again fan website Administered by none other than Mike Bilger, otherwise known as SetoKaiba over at Robotech.com (I have another name for that site, but I won't post it here, that term is bad enough to ban me here). Before you go there, let me give you a word of warning. The language there tends to be a little blue (most members there are at least 17) so read at your own risk. Come on by and register at The Macross Galaxy Network.
  14. Well, there are a few games I would like to see released here in the states, two of which I lidy here. Macross Digital Missions VF-X versions 1 and 2. I keep hoping that Namco-Bandai would release graphicly enhanced versions of these games of at least PS2 quality. But it looks like I'll be pissing and moaning for a while longer (especially if Steve Yun gets his way, since Harmony Gold is the only one other than Siembieda who holds the license to release any Macross related gear). You guys can list more macross rellated games in this thread if you like.
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