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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. Thanks for the heads-up. I only knew that character by his Blacklash moniker.
  2. Here's and Idea for the Wolverine anime. Pit him against The Incredible Hulk!!!
  3. After seeing Macross Plus on Encore Action, I would have to agree with Nexx... Kawamori certainly has his head up his ass!!! And God help the Armored Core franchise if Kowamori ever gets his grubby hands on it.
  4. Well I just finished watching G4's coverage of today's San Deigo Comic Con and one of the announcements was the production of the second Iron Man movie. It's official, Mikey Rourke is going to make an appearance as the villian Whiplash. I do have a question, though. Isn't the real name for that character Backlash???!!! Your thoughts?
  5. That movie was a parody of pirate movies of the time period. It was supposed to be crap.
  6. I just got Meracle, and I have to say is that she is an absolute bitch on the battlefield. She is the can of whup-ass as long as you keep her from getting hit (her blindside animation is awesome, by the way). I stuck the HP Boost and Stun Battle Skills onto her set to further tear up the battlefield. It also seems that she's from that timeline's future from what she said on the ferry trip to get the medicine to help Reimi. The alternate Earth story arc was a nice twist . The US Army uniforms and the mirrored Statue of Liberty were dead giveaways. Right now I'm at the point in the game where the poo has really hit the fan . Hopefully I'll be able to aquire a certain red-haired Nedian soon (I'll put her name up here soon, I can't rember it at the moment). I can't wait to see her in action. If you get this game, don't forget to pick up the stragety guide, for it will really help you out . Edit-damned language filter --|-_ .
  7. I hope the hell you're being sarcasitc, Keith. Let me say something about something I posted in this thread about Carl Macek. The only reason why I thought he ran ADV is because the company is based here in Houston, TX and that bastard lives here. A foolish assumption, but a logical assumption.
  8. The frame only gets damaged only if your opponent scores a critical hit on your ass. Speaking of frames... Balltemech frames are not only protected by armor, the servos are also moved using myomar muscles.
  9. Didn't know there was an anime. Does the story rehash the events of Blue Sphere or is it a retelling of The Second Story? While waiting for the answer... I just read Lymle's in-game bio in The Last hope and found something interesting. She has something in common with a certain Marvel Comics character (You Alpha Flight readers will know what I mean). The only hint I'll give is that he's a certain dwarf with a gigantic "P" on his chest.
  10. The one site that I got permabanned. ROBOTECH.COM. Just for fun, I decided to make a joke thread comparing Steve Yun to Heartbreak Rigde's Major Powers in The Lounge. I then got an E-mail from Steve warning me. Then he saw the thread and sent me anoter message that I wasn't welcome back anymore. He must've decided to give me one more chance, but I blew it when I said that the guys over at Harmony Gold takes storylines they don't like and put them in the trash. The next day I couldn't logon there anymore. I've tried to logon there a few times since, and then said screw 'em, if they don't want me there, I won't go there anymore. I made it to Corporal there, too. The TOU over there's too freaking facist there anyway.
  11. What the hell happened to the First Sommerset Strikers? I loved that old Battletech animated series. Too bad that the entire population of planet Sommerset was taken hostage by Clan Jade Falcon (the same clan that almost totally screwed over the Draconis Combine if I'm not mistaken).
  12. I might get killed for saying this, but I think Arcee would've been better if she was whe Dennis Leary described in his song "Ass-hole" (I had to add the hyphen, it is the name of a song, you know).
  13. Jesus, man, it costs less than 30 bucks to get a decent USB keyboard. That man has had that freaking problem since we first met about 6 years ago on Robotech.com. Fix the damned problem already!!!
  14. Which is what led me to getting permabanned from the site.
  15. My tastes in music run the gamut from 70's country to 80's Heavy Metal. I also like a lot of the new rock too. I can't stand bad cover songs, dance mixes, newer country besides Travis Tritt and Toby Kieth. One day when I was at the local Sonic and their radio station played a dance mix version of the Doobie Bros. "Listen to the Music Play". To say I wasn't pleased is putting it mildly. I absolutely like Iron Maiden, but if you give me anything that has Blaze lead singing I will definately shove it down your throat. Megadeth is pretty awesome, too. I also like pre-Load/Reloaded Metallica (Cliff Burton was the one person who kept that band from sucking, too bad he died; I'm also glad that Newsted got sick and tired of Hetfield and Ulrich's crap and quit the band). Drowning Pool got a guy who's an excellent replacement for the lead singer they lost due to death (I love the video for "Enemy"). My brother turned me on to Dragonforce recently, too.
  16. Only that I saw the first half of the Evangelion series when Cartoon Network aired it. Needless to say I bailed when I found out it was cut.
  17. Intead what we get was a sh*tbox ice cream truck, although the "(Decepticon Symbol) Suck my POPSCICLE" was a nice touch.
  18. Well, on the subtitled version I saw when it still ran on ImaginAsian, the term was "Emarn".
  19. It seems you need a Sarcasm to English translation guide Gubaba. In case you haven't noticed, I bolded the word "Quickining" when I quoted your post.
  20. It's the other way around. those companies paid HG for the privilege of making those stories. How do you think that company made the money it used to make crap like Shadow Chronocles and Shadow rising (I'm suprised J Micheal Strazynki didn't sue for copyright infringement).
  21. That's why I don't like HG anymore. The bastards give licenses to any Tom, Tommy, and Steve that comes down the pike.
  22. So is Duncan McCloud going to make an appearance?
  23. The name of the species is Emarn.
  24. Was the comic licensed by HG at the time? Yes. Then it's not fanfiction. End of freaking story.
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