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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. Here goes (other things I like): David Newman "Cars" Drowning Pool "Enemy" Anything from ZZ Top Steve Miller Band (I have yet to hear the uncut version of "Great Jet Airliner" on the radio) Just about anything from Megadeth Absolutely anything from Boston (too bad the lead singer passed away due to a heart attack) Just about anything from Willie Neslon
  2. I think the only FF game that didn't have Biggs and Wedge in it was the first Final Fantasy. Don't quote me on that.
  3. Here's another blunder, this one made by Nolan Bushnell. Not realizing that the non-compete clause in his contract with Warner Bros. was illegal when he left Atari. By law here in the United States, all non-compete agreements have to have a reasonable time limit (two years being the norm); his clause had no time limit. Imagine all the great games that would've come out if he created a video game company two years after his split with Atari. Oh, well. At least we now have Chuck E. Cheese's (little known fact Chuck E. Cheese's took over the old Shobiz Pizza Place building in Bolingbrook, Ill. when that company folded in the early eighties).
  4. This question may be a little out of Left Field, but at end of the first movie he revealed to the world that he was Iron Man. Did Tony Stark do the same in the comics? This question comes directly from the pitching rubber to the plate: Is Mandarin going to make an appearance in the second movie or is that slated for #3? I hope they get Jet Li to play him, that would be awesome.
  5. I find it amusing what can be put in a video game. One thing is how they name some enemies. From Final Fantasy and some other games there is an enemy called Mandragora. After thumbing through a copy of Maciavelli's The Prince I found he made a work called The Mandragola. It seems they used Engrish to name the foe. Are there any other tidbits out there? If so, please post them here.
  6. This may be a little off topic, but is there a chance that season 3 of Exo-Squad be an OVA or is it stuck in pre-production hell (which is where I hope Shadow Rising stays; that ought to bring this post back on topic)?
  7. I have a suggestion for you if you ever get caught in a flat spin (in a real life plane, I don't know if this will work in the game) let go of your controls right away. Airplanes are designed to right themeslves if you don't fool with the controls.
  8. The Exo-Squad storyline was supposed to be what happened to the SDF-3 and the Invid Regis' troops when they crossed into that universe. Too bad Harmony Gold got pissy and nixed Season 3 of Exo-Suqad. Universal Cartoon Studios was doing a bang-up job with the series. Incompetent Harmony Gold pricks.
  9. Yeah, rather humorous imagining that. Your Jenner's main job when encountering an Atlas is to circle the freaking thing peppering it with its shoddy ordinace until your buddy in the Warhammer lets him have it with his Particle Projectle Cannons linked with his shoulder mounted missles (and I'm not talking about his six pack mounted above the right shoulder) for good measure. Even more fun when a PPC-laden Marauder joins in on the party to take that Atlas down. God help that Atlas if a Madcat Prime decides to join in on the party.
  10. Most anime series I've seen end with a plot hole so big I could drive a freaking Mack truck through it.
  11. Check out the August 2009 issue of Game Informer in the Breakdown section of its Game Over page. The game is most likely shitcanned.
  12. I would like to say with the exception of "The Hunt for Red October" Paramount has come out with a series of brain farts in relation to the Tom Clancy franchise. Those douche bags put "Patriot Games" out of order in the timeline (the book is set before The Hunt For Red October). The idiots killed off an important main character who appears in future books in the movie "Clear and Present Danger". The morons NUKED THE WRONG CITY in the movie version of The Sum of All fears (it was Denver in the book, numbnuts, not Baltimore). No wonder Tom Clacy decided to quit selling movie rights to Paramount in relation to his books. Paramount really knows how to clusterfoxtrot a franchise.
  13. My mistake. Somebody explained it to me the way I described it in the early nineties. Thanks for setting me straight.
  14. It is a great movie. I kinda like it that they made both CG movies prequels to the original anime (Appleseed was the first anime movie I saw that had rather blue language in it, and boy was it freaking awesome; kinda funny they used the Engrish version of Briarious' name, though).
  15. Doubletalk? C'mon call it what it is, Seto... Out and out HORSESHIT!!!
  16. My fault. I origanally was making a point about a guy who cheated in just about any game he played, and used AD&D as an example. Let's not forget the "Death From Above" cheeseball tactic. Basically you activate your jump jets to position yourself directly above an enemy mech and let him have it with everything you have.
  17. Well, it looks like 3D Realms did do a blunder. Duke Nukem Forever, after 12 years of on and off devolopment, has finally been shitcanned.
  18. ... ... Nice to know where your mind's at. The sewer!!!
  19. I guess you have to lower your fly to blow your nose, considering where your mind's at.
  20. Yes, I'm talking about God of War. I also do have the first incarnation of San Andraes, and the Supply Lines Mission does suck balls. No matter how I try, I seem to run out of fuel right before I land. That was an epic blunder in playtesting.
  21. Another example of the toilet humor in the movie. Jetfire farting out his parachute.
  22. I guess not. Here's another playtest blunder. It seems that David Jaffe and company forgot to playtest the Hades section of the first game, making those spinning blades tougher than they should've been. They got a lot of e-mails regarding the subject (I learned that fact on X-Play). The stage was frustrating, but not unpassable.
  23. It's not very harsh since the guy I'm thinking is most likely's the one who cheated every chance he got by re-rolling his failures in every game he's played, recalculating his AD&D THAC0s after he rolls so he hits every time, etc. (I have to ask my friend to be sure it's guy I'm thinking of, the guy's his buddy).
  24. I was not trying to be rude, I was just saying what I remembered about the ranks of the two characters in a matter-of-fact way. I could be very rude if I want to, though
  25. Admiral Hayes Supreme Commander Leonard Get the ranks right.
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