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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. ... ... Now that post was Reno 911 offensive.
  2. The procedure you're most likely thinking about is a root canal... ...without novacane.
  3. "The Sum of All Fears" Paramount should not be allowed to have access to anymore of Clancy's works (I gave the details why in a locked thread). Hell, the bastards over there skipped The Cardinal of the Kremlin, the work where John Clark made his first appearance (I do like Willem Defoe in that role, but when I first read Cardinal I imagined him looking something like Marvel's Cable, a bulked up silver-haired-fox), which I have no idea why. Another movie: Daredevil II; Ben Affleck is a son of a bitch who can't act to save his freaking life.
  4. You've got to be shitting me.
  5. KISS is not KISS without "Space" Ace Freeley and Peter Criss. Paul is the only tolally sane member of the current group. And Gene is, well, a narcissistic, arrogant, money loving, unmarring, licensing-happy son of a bitch whose son is a hilarious riot (yes, I do admit to watching Gene Simmons, Family Jewels).
  6. Wy don't you move here to Texas, there are no zoning laws for you to worry about!
  7. My brother's is on a desk way off the ground with the wires well out of the way. It also helps that the wired controllers were designed to be breakaway, like the original X-Box controls.
  8. I knew it. Kowamori is a petophile . I wonder when the trial will be held?
  9. You can add the Avengers' Swordsman to the list.
  10. My brother keeps his X-Box 360 Elite HDMI version on its side to help keep the fans exposed. No RROD yet, yet a recent power outage gave us a scare with a double flash of the same indicators of the RROD (we were playing Perfect Dark Zero multiplayer at the time). Thank the lord that it wasn't the RROD.
  11. Wildstorm Publishing is owned by Time Warner, so you can say that the comic is being published by DC Comics. MEMO1DOMINION's avatar is most likely his brains smoldering on the grill.
  12. All you Maiden fans out there I have a sugesstion for you. Snap up A Matter of Life and Death as soon as you can. The critics were right about this one by saying that it's their best work since Piece of Mind.
  13. This is not a double post. It's official. Mericle is an absolute bitch. On the battlefield that is!!! Her Blindsides will guarantee that some enemy will get a case of Cat Scratch Fever (without the painful urination ), and her combos are over the top. If you get into a fight with her, it's a good bet that you will have a new a$$hole torn into you. Using Lisa Ortiz as the voice is a nice touch. Completists will have a problem wtih the game if you're going for Achievements as a goody-two shoes, though; you need to pickpocket someone to get the Achievement for completeing all quests (too bad there's no other way to get that thing other than Pickpocking).
  14. Okay so the damned thing looked like the 20'th. anniversary edition. So sue me. As for the other mech, I haven't seen the thing before and that was the best way for me to describe it. It does look like it has a freaking oni mask on the chest.
  15. You dare desecrate Iron Maiden with the moniker "Hair Metal"? Iron Maiden has never, nor shall ever be labelled as that type of band. The classification for that band is The New Wave of British Heavy Metal.
  16. Okay... We've got Asuka's EVA 2 and 20'th anniversary Optimius Prime battling a mecha that looks like it has Shadow Hearts: From the New World Frank's Oni mask on it's chest. WTFH?
  17. You forgot to include the Pegasus, genius.
  18. I can stomach Konzaki Hibiki better than that douche-bag.
  19. But you gotta admit that Paul Dianno does come in a close second for Maiden.
  20. Let's not hope it's not based on that train wreck otherwise known as Galactica 1980 (Dick Van Dyke's kid as Boxxie, WTF???). I wonder if Richard Hatch is going to be involved in the project.
  21. Nowhere, just an assumption I made, and looks like a worng one at that. I just have a bone to pick with Harmony Gold (and with Tommy Yune in particular) because of the direction that company took with the franchise in the latest comic line. Jim Lee certainly made a bad decision when he decided to sell Wildstorm Publishing to Warner Bros. (at least he would've given the series the needed kick in the a$$, believe you me).
  22. Let's not forget that Robotech was originally a line of plastic models that Revell licenced from various Japanese animes, like Macross, Orguss (the Nebo was the Orguss 1), and other series I can't begin to identify (I had a model of a mecha that was the bipedel equivilent of a bathysphere). It seems that Harmony Gold bought (or stole) the name when Revell folded.
  23. The report I heard on the radio stated it was most likely a heart attack. Granted, the report was made right after the body was found, and I haven't heard any news on the subject since then. Well you know happens when you assume: it makes an a$$ out of you and me.
  24. If that is true, then it's my mistake. The special that G4 showed on Nolan Bushnell didn't give the details of that non-compete clause. It just gave the vague statement that Bushnell singed the clause and just left it at that. Not my first case of Foot-in-Mouth Disease .
  25. I like Les Stroud for many reasons. Les didn't have a camera crew around him; Bear couldn't piss without hitting a camraman. He stayed in the place where he was filming, whereas Bear slept in a nice hotel room. What's your choice?
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