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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. Because when an American Pit Bull Terrier (that's the full name of the breed) bites down, they never let go (ask FASA).
  2. Please tell me that the Govenator made an appearance in that flick.
  3. Section 9 was an alright film. As for Terminator Salvation, I refuse to watch a Terminator flick that doesn't have Cameron in the director's chair.
  4. Because if Tatsunoko ever did anything else Macross related without permission, they would be facing a big, fat, juicy lawsuit and a nice bite in the ass by American Pit Bull Terrier Big West.
  5. I say we send everyone here to "The Twilight Zone". I can't resist a Golden Earring reference. White Lion also has some good tracks, their debut Pride being their best work. In my opinion, anyone who doesn't like Led Zepplin should report immediately to the local flight surgeon for intense therapy. Quiet Riot was also very good, too bad about thier bad luck (they lost one former member when he crashed in a plane touring with Ozzy, and another member recently to I think heart failure; I'm not sure).
  6. I'm suprised you can type with your head so far up your ass, MEMO1DOMINION. We here all live in the real world here, not in a place where Elves pilot Excalibur Mk. VIs and Orks pilot Veritechs (rigged, no less), all the while trying to avoid Renraku Red Samurais.
  7. Okay, so I reversed the names of the company, so sue me.
  8. I have a Rogue's gallery on top of my dresser. A knockoff of the G1 Devastator A knockoff of G1 Superion The Cybertron version of Starscream (the most expensive figure I have) The Cybertron version of Optimus Prime The Classic version of Starscream (the one the pays tribute to the G1 form) Starscream from the first movie (believe it or not, he does have a G.E.R.W.A.L.K. form) I also have a bunch of other figures in a box in my room, too big of a list to post here. That pic of Superion Supreme is a lot different than the one pictured on the back of my Storm Jet package, Grand Admiral.
  9. I hope somebody pilots a PPC-laden Marauder up Harmony Gold's ass and pulls the trigger for all three PPCs for the sh!t they've pulled.
  10. Somebody just broght up that Namco-Bandai got the rights to publish some of ADV's stuff in this thread, that's all.
  11. One thing I can say about Gourry, that man is not as stupid as most people make him out to be. That is one man I certainly don't want to play chess against, beause he might just kick my ass. He just plays at being dumb. I hope that Lina finally gets hooked up with that blonde swordsman, because their little romance was getting good.
  12. The thing does look like a Legios from Mospeada.
  13. My guess is they probably got lazy. I got news of the merger from an e-mail from Namco, since I'm a member of the Namco forums (mainly because of Xenosaga).
  14. Par for the course, the bastards over there are starting with the Second Japanese series, billing it as the first episode of the series. No doubt they're airing the cut version of the series. So for those of you who missed it the first time it aired, now you have a chance to catch it. I bailed on it when I found out the freaking thing was cut. No doubt Seto will be in this thread to set things straight for you rookies out there. Feel free to give all the nice, juicy details of the uncut version of the series, Seto.
  15. I hope the bombs are nuclear in nature, Seto.
  16. The name of the company is Namco-Bandai. Bandai merged with video game publisher Namco a few years ago.
  17. Here's what I would say to Harmony Gold if I was the CEO of the company that's making Mechwarrior 5... "Kiss my ass."
  18. Looks like you'll be waiting a long time, because it would probably be a cold day in hell when the fourth series is released on DVD (we have both the original series and Next; have yet to get Try). I didn't know there was a fourth season.
  19. It might be that Lars and James finally got enough clout to get a bigger percentage of the record sales. I guess that's why Lars raised so much hell when the Napster sh!t hit the fan.
  20. I caught a few episodes of Morbido on Adult Swim (the Saturday block, not the crap block on Sunday night). I couldn't really get into it.
  21. Who the hell is that? The only way that bastard can play Exedore is if they used computer graphics to shrink his happy ass. Maybe some son of a bitch on the bridge got sick an tired of taking orders and tried to kill her, I don't know. Another reason to not like the new stroylines.
  22. Okay, I'm trying to get Battle Trophies in The Last Hope and I'm running into a problem getting one of Faize's. How the hell do you blindside two foes at once?
  23. If they get Jason Acuna to play Exedore, I'll die laughing.
  24. Repeat after me, boys and girs... Shitcanned, Shitcanned, Shitcanned, Shitcanned... As evidenced by the Flipped-Out Flyers website.
  25. Most of those shows were pulled from the air for one reason and one reason only. Lack of Ratings!!!
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