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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. I just got Sarah into my party and just finished up getting recipies for everyone so far. I'm now at the point of going to planet Aeos and doing the in trip Private Actions. I'll give an update soon.
  2. I hate to say I wasn't too impressed with Shin Chan. The animation looked ameteurish. It aslo didn't help matters any Cartoon Network aired it as part of it's Sunday's "Crap Block".
  3. I have the Styracosaurus toy when the line was known as RoboStrux. I liked the original anime, and Chaotic Century was good, even though they screwed up on the timeline a little when the Guardian Force Heroes storyline came out (the American version was set 1 year after Chaotic Century whereas the Japanese version was 3 years). Too bad I wasn't able to finish the series before Cartoon Network dumped it for other projects.
  4. And their names are Thrust, Ramjet, and Dirge. The only thing about those three that is the same as the original seekers is the F-15 fuselage. Each figure has different wings, and the nosecone actually forms the head for all three figures.
  5. How can I put this nicely? Ahh screw it. F*CK Harmony Gold!
  6. The thing about eminent domain is that the governvent must first offer the loser, uh poor bastard, fair market value for the property in question before the government comes in and sending in the National Guard to take the property by force (that's if the loser decides to refuse the offer, that is). This may not be saying much, but I like John Waltrip's artwork much better than Jason's. Besides, who collected the old Sentenels comics for the artwork, anyway? I certainly didn't. I collected them for the broken storyline.
  7. I caught most of this one when the network formerly known as Internatonal Channel aired it. It's some nice work. One thing about Captain Tyler, just like The Slayers' Gourry, is that man is a tactical genius. Do not match wits against Tyler, because you will lose. Tyler's irresponsibe, not stupid.
  8. Are you referring to the anime (and subsuquent Eternity Comics) or the orignial "Doc" Smith novels? I have most of the novels (I'm missing Spacehounds of the IPC), and in none of the books I've read (I have yet to finish Children of the Lens) there is no mention of mechanized powered armor. There is however a lot of talk of ether, but since the books were written in the 1930's when people had almost absolutely no concept of outer space, there is no suprise there. Little known fact about the anime movie - E. E. "Doc" Smith actually wrote the screenplay. A lot of works have taken a page from Heinlein's work, incuding Genisis Climber M.O.S.P.E.A.D.A. (the M.O.S.P.E.A.D.A. power armor units), Appleseed (both the Landmate and Gugess {sp.?} armors) and, of course, Battletech (the Clan Elemental armor).
  9. My mistake, but since it takes about the same amount of time to say either of both obsenities (the beep is long enough), and I'm a somewhat of a sick puppy, I thought it was the worse of the two.
  10. I can't remember where I heard the news, and since the mortorcycle crash was the only news I've heard as the cause I've posted that. The news of the Japanese law I probably got from Robotech.com, and we all know how reliable that site is.
  11. The flight surgeon is the naval version of a shrink. Yes, since I've heard most of his Sun stuff on Country Legends 97.5FM. The only Jonny Cash song that will never be aired uncut (mainly because the word censored is ), good song nonethess.
  12. Those toys are'nt copycats. It was just Playmates and Universal Cartoon Studios' way of cashing in on an easy license. It also doesn't help matters any when the Japanese government issued a law forbidding any new use of the likeness of Ichigo (I don't know if this spelling is correct, I'm going by Bleach here) Hikaru when his vocal actor bought the farm in a motorcycle crash.
  13. I think I was a little too subtle with my sarcasm, Gubaba.
  14. Are you talking about the Sentinels novel #4 World Killers? If you are, I think that is where the novels jumped the freaking shark, but at least they somewhat redeemed themselves with Rubicon. I think Big West's response to Harmony Gold's recent licensing request was more along the lines of "kiss our asses" than "f*ck off", Seto. And about your banning from Robotech.com, Seto, I have to say that the site is better off without you. Let them die a slow, lingering, gangrene-laden death.
  15. In the novels Zand becomes the Lang of the Masters Saga. Very unhinged fellow, even more so when he injects himself with "nutrent fluid" harveseted from an Invid mecha found in the SDF-1 in the novel The Zentraedi Rebellion (otherwise known as the first Robotech novel to ever fully drop the "F-Bomb").
  16. I was talking about a using a custom Marauder where you replace the GM Whirlwind cannon mounted on the top with a PPC (I know it's hell on the heat, but well worth the effort); half the fun of Battletech is taking the stock model Battlemech and customizing the hell out of it, all the while trying to keep within the weight limit.
  17. That man in that episode of the series was "Chief Engineer Lang" (Dr. Emil Lang) as Gloval called him at the end of the episode of Space Fold, not Dr. Grant. The funny thing is that the novels call him "Dr. Lazlo Zand" in the section Reconstruction Blues while in the Robotech animated series he was Dr. Lang.
  18. The Engilsh title for that movie is "Kiki's Delivery Service", I don't know the Japanese name for it.
  19. I was talking about the Battletech Unseen fiasco (Battletech was owned by FASA at the time) Don't talk about Star Wars if you don't know what you're talking about. (1) James Earl Jones is the voice of Darth Vader, David Prose did do the dialogue for 3CPO. (2) The decoy rebel base was located on Dantoine.
  20. Whamhammer brought up Slayers. I thought the people I were quoting were talking about Slayers. My mistake.
  21. Does Cybertron version of Starscream fall into that category, at least he's got decent articulation in robot mode. Oh and for the Revenge of the Fallen Devastator, he's missing his nuts.
  22. There are three Slayers DVD Boxed sets that were released here in the States (all of which were aired on International Channel in Japanese years ago). The Slayers The Slayers Next The Slayers Try . Trust me, I've seen the Try boxed set years ago at a GameStop.
  23. I'm suprised no one sugessted these series. The Record of Lodoss War (turn on the subtitles when you get to the royal ball scene if you get the DVD, the song is not sung in English) - Lisa Ortiz's first work, pretty good plot whereas Chronocles of the Heroic Knight follows the manga more The Slayers - another of Ortiz's work; really good, especially if you're a Crispin Freeman fan (he takes over the role of Zelgaldis after the thirteenth episode) VanDread and VanDread the Second Stage - a true battle of the sexes anime, Tony Oliver and Steve Blum star; highly recommended. Mobile Suit Gundam W (Gundam Wing) - although I've only seen the cut version, it was very good . I can only think of one thing to bail on Escaflowne the Movie - this thing was so bad I bailed about 5 minutes into the thing, . Even though this isn't anime per se, I do recommend Ben 10, Alien Force, the storyline is very good.
  24. The third series box set was entitled "Try", and was released in the States.
  25. Is that a code that will corrupt your save game file after you save it? If not, I'm thinking on taking on that mission (I don't consider it cheating if you have to use the code just to beat that damned mission); yes I do have an older version of the game.
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