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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. To have a choice between Beater Bumblebee and newer Bumblebee, I'd have to side with the beater. I do have a fondness for the classic cars.
  2. You actually have access to three sets of four battle parties when you're on your flagship in IV, otherwise you're limited to a party of 4. III's battle system's broken because even if you have 6 in your party, you can only give pairs of the characters orders. From all the games in the series I've played, I kinda likes 5 the best because of story so far. I just got through with The Queen's battle, and was basically shocked by the plot twist . That and I'm still haveing trouble dropping off items at the resturaunt.
  3. Makes sense that Warner Bros. is in charge of the project, since they own Wildstorm comics (also DC, but's that's a no-brainer).
  4. I said the first time I saw the episode. It didn't help matters any that I saw the thing on CN; likely they cut the blood out of the episode.
  5. Lucky punk. The only reason why II is so rare is that the powers that be at Konami decided not to make many copies of the English version of the game to meet the demand. Could it be that the bigwigs over at Konami want to keep II so rare that we have to go kowtow at their Japanese HQ? Only time will tell.
  6. Besides, when I first saw the final episode, I thought Spike just fell unconcious, not just dropped dead.
  7. Is that before or after an Inner Sphere Marauder IIc decides to give you a PPC enima?
  8. I have most of the RPG books, and I have to say... What the hell is Siembieda smoking, and why the f*ck isn't he sharing with the rest of this site??? Combat in his system sucks so hard that it can drain a freaking stallion.
  9. That wasn't the only reason I didn't see The Sum of All Fears. I didn't see the movie mainly because Tom Clancy absolutely hated what Paramount did with the screenplay. The actor they chose to play Jack Ryan didn't help matters any, either.
  10. Jesus, nugundamII, are you trying to support the Chinese economy all by yourself?
  11. Not obvious. Just stupid assumptions. I just don't trust google is all (I'm just too spoiled on Yahoo, I guess). And about Lensman, I saw Doc's name in the end credits and just assumed he wrote the screenplay (I thought he was still alive in 1986). And I'm man enough to earn up to another case of foot in mouth disease. Besides, contrary to popular belief chummer, I don't have meter-long arms, bony protrutions on my skin, nor horns growing out of my head. I wouldn't mind sporting some retractable spurs, though .
  12. You want crazy antics, check out Tenacious D. Edited for my stupid spelling mistake.
  13. Don't have a PSP, and I'm not about to get one that has its warranty violated. Besides, III we got used for about $25.00, I bought IV and Tactics for about $12.00 each. I got V for a Christmas gift a couple of years ago. Hopefully Konami will have the games set up for download for PSN on the PS3 (once we ge broadband, that is).
  14. Last week I saw a PBS plege drive featuring old Motown groups. I forgot how good those groups were. The Temtations The Four Tops Smokey Robinson and the Miracles The Supremes Marvin Gaye (shame what happened to him) Stevie Wonder
  15. He must not be a BioWare nor an Obsidian Studios fan.
  16. I was talking about "Knocking' on Heaven's Door".
  17. I saw both Violence Jack OVAs when they fist came out on VHS back in the 80's. All I can say is that it's some really sick stuff from Go Nagai.
  18. My way of, as the late, great George Carlin calls it, "Stirring up the sh*t". I hope you like it .
  19. They have an old "Journey to the West" anime out, I know because This Houston network airs it along with Spider Riders and the Classic Wizard of Oz anime. Wheras both "Dragon Ball" and "Dragon Ball Z" were Toriyama's homage to the ancient Chinese Story, "Journey to the West" is a basic retelling of the old tale.
  20. Okay, time to get this thread back on topic. What is the current state of the Inner Sphere since the war against the Clans? I suspect that the Draconis Combine is screwed over, but what about the Federated Commonwealth and the other Stellar Balkan states?
  21. And the man from ebaumsworld.com has spoken.
  22. I think CN removed the parts of full frontal nudity. Don't quote me, since I haven't really seen the show.
  23. Sad to say is that I haven't played II. And since the sucker's so rare, unless Konami decides to release updates of the first two games, I'm S.O.L..
  24. I bet most of the buget is blowing up Spike Speigal just so he can recover. I swear, that man must have Saiyan in his genetic structure.
  25. These games are listed in stroyline chronological order. Suikoden Tactics Suikoden IV Suikoden V Suikoden Suikoden II Suidoden III Of the games listed I have played and beaten I (without getting all 108 Stars of Destiny, though), and own III, IV (I have all 108 stars, but haven't beaten it yet; I want to uncover all of the Island Nations Chart), V, and Tactics. I do have a question about V though, and the walkthrough I have is absolutely no help whatsoever on the subject. I have recruited Retso and his niece to open the resturaunt, and haveing trouble dropping off the ingredients I've been getting in battles there. Whenever I talk to Retso at the Resturaunt all he does is sell me Abalone Steak. I need help getting him to sell other food items. Oh give your thoughts on the series you have.
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