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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. Well, it seems that Bethesda has come out with a stinker (hard to believe, isn't it?). Well my brother went and sold his copy of Hunted, the Demon's Forge before I had a chance to try it. Well if he says it sucked, well there's a pretty good chance that it did (he's just about a hardcore gamer, after all). He also sold his copy of Dead Island, mostly because of the fatal glitch (hell, he said that the thing was riddled with bugs). I think he might pick it up used again if all the bugs get resolved. Another game he got rid of was Quantum Theory, a really bad Gears clone. Well, at about 11:00p.m. CST tonight we're going to the local GameStop to pick up...
  2. ???Wookies are from Planet Kashyyyk. Ewoks live on Endor's moon. Unelss that the qouted post is steeped in sarcasm, which means I walked right into that one.
  3. One of the delta-winged F-16s is designated the F-16XL.Interesting thing is the F-16 is the aircraft flown by Hawk Hunter, the main character of the Wingman series of novels. If I remember right, on of the G1 Targetmasters was an F-16XL, though I can't remember his name. He had the destinction of coming with two transforming weapons instead of one. I have yet to see the season finale of Prime. I think I'll catch it when it comes up on In Demand.
  4. They couldn't have. In the Robotech episode "Bye Bye, Mars" Breetai and Exedore were discussing the base was destroyred during an earlier conflict.I just hulued the episode. Exedore clearly states the the base was abandoned after a conflict with their allied forces. The base was clearly destroyed during the Global Civil War (World War III).
  5. Hype is vastly overrated. Look at Shadow Chronicles Does that mean we all have to kiss Micheal Bey's ass? I'll pass on that.
  6. I'll see your April March and I'll raise you RUSH Here's a version of "Subdivisions" that's all Pert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2PTkWmDlL8 Another gem:
  7. Try Don Yee. His work in Robotech Art 2 is excellent.
  8. There are only a few artists I like in MAD Magazine, among them are Don Edwing, Prohias, and Al Jaffee. But the best one happened to be Don Martin; I loved his style and his twisted sense of humor. Too bad he passed on soon after he started his stint over at Cracked Magazine. I hope that it doesn't run into that same problem of not haveing enough episodes made to sate the fans.
  9. Nah, it's just logical. If you hear that black stool is a sign of internal bleeding, then blood coming out of your back door has to mean that something critical has happened to you.
  10. Oh, so it was part of the script, huh? I knew that Professional wrestling was scripted, but for Vince (and his writers, for that matter) to make light of an injury that could be a cause for concern (bleeding from that orifice may be the result of a somewhat serious injury; some of the injuries these guys get can be very real if they're not careful)... ...he's lost what little respect I've had for him.
  11. The only e-mails I delete are the ones that I know are spam that somehow make it through Yahoo's spamguard into my inbox. The rest of the messages I move to the appropriate folders. I also copied the code down on a piece of paper just in case something goes wrong.
  12. What the hell happened? Did Lawler have something in his gut when someone struck him in the breadbasket? Anal bleeding sounds pretty serious to me (lacerated colon, anyone?).
  13. THIS Houston just started airing this drek in their 8:00a.m. CDT time slot. Tattooed Teenage Fighters from Beverly Hills; DIC's low budget attemt to cash in in Saban's Power Rangers franchise. I call the thing Andy Heyward's Money Pit.
  14. I've got a Battlefield 3 Beta question. I just received a Marketplace code for early access to the Battlefield 3 beta, basically the same e-mail my brother got. Since our profiles share the same XBox 360, do I need to enter the code I got in my e-mail into my profile or does my brother's code afford me the same access?
  15. And are you saying that Uwe Boll has talent?
  16. And the Oscar for Best Homiciadal Rabbit in a British comedy goes to... The Vorpal Bunny from "Monty Python and the Holy Grial"
  17. Man, I hope Matt Hardy didn't go the way of most of the Von Erich clan. Well, it seems that Hulk Hogan has found something to sink his money into. "Midget" wrestling (Yes, I know they like to be called Little People, or dwarves; hence the quotation marks). For a laugh, check out Micro-League Wrestling on Tru Tv.
  18. I love Jan Hammer. This one of his is one of my faves. "Evan"
  19. Well, at least he can repair himself, al la Cable.
  20. I have some bad news about the XBox 360 version of Dead Island. There seems to be a fatal bug in the game. One of my XBox Live frinds found this out the hard way (thanks my1978chevynova for pointing this out). If you start a new game with a character that you already beat the game with, that character's data will be corrupted . I hear that the next patch will fix this. I really hope so, because I haven't touched the game since my brother got it and I'm worried about the bug.
  21. All I can say about Voltron Force...Let me quote Bart Simpson on this one... "This show both sucks and blows." Good lord, is the new Thundercats getting better and better. Lion-O is very nimble. I'm guessing Cheetara's wondering how good he is in the sack .
  22. Bill Sienkiewicz is an aquired taste. Some of his New Mutants stuff can be pretty meh.
  23. Human Revolution is a Prequel to The Conspiracy. Hell, the Denton Bros. could possibly be the sons of the main character of Human Revolution.
  24. Rob Liefeld, or as I like to call him, the artist who can't draw eyes to save his life. That man absolutely killed the New Mutants, in my opinion (his contribution to the X-Tinction Agenda crossover stroyline really pissed me off).
  25. Cardiac arrest, stroke, pulmonary embolism, dumping the franchise because of Harmony Gold's sh!t, take your pick.
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