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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. They need a f*cking 20m high crutch to prop up that bastard child of a franchise.
  2. I guess I was being a little vague in the title of the topic. It was a cute way of saying that he was the producer. One hit wonder? I take it you didn't like Unbreakable all that much, am I right? If he puts a weird plot twist from hell that only fans of his can understand, I'll wrap my head with duct tape to keep it from exploding when it appears in the film (insert Glenn Beck remark here). Damn it, I mispelled "Nickelodeon" when I wrote the title for the topic post.
  3. Okay, I saw a trialer for this upcoming film when I went to see Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen. In it it showed an older Ang preparing to go up against a whole fleet of Fire Nation seaships. My question is will this film ever see the light of day, or is it stuck in pre-production hell?
  4. You mean rereleases of the three series, since I saw the Southern Cross box set at Best Buy, a few of the translated original Macross series DVDs over at a Games Plus, and a trailer for the Mospeada DVDs on some anime DVD, I can't remember which one, though.
  5. "Hercules in New York" was The Govonator's first film, one that doesn't deserve a sequel, I might add (I personaly haven't seen that flick, but I've seen some scenes of it in his biography that make me cringe). He was so green and his English was so bad, they had to hire an actor to dub his freaking lines.
  6. The gift shop scene is from the second movie (the late Sonny Bono was brilliant in that scene); the bare ta-tas during the metal detector scene of the second movie is rather tame, and funny. Back on topic,I certainly do not want to see another freaking Alien movie, unless Cameron is back in the director's chair. Alien 3 was atrocious, and Ressurection, in the words of Bart Simpson, "...both sucks and blows."
  7. So this is not an adaptation of Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender. I wonder if the movie's going to be a Borderlands video game tie-in.
  8. Is the word you're looking for "psychics", by any chance?
  9. Seeing Chip in the next flick would be nice. It would satisfy the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), that's for sure. Hopefully his debut in the movie will be a lot like the G1 cartoon (remember when he hacked into a willing Prowl to take care of a couple of Seekers? ).
  10. I can't stand Mr. Bungle. My brother has the debut CD, and god, did it turn me off. He says there are two kinds of people, Faith No More fans or Mr. Bungle fans, and that not a lot of people like both. Sabbath Time- "Black Sabbath" "Faeries(?) Wear Boots" "Paranoid" "War Pigs" "N. I. B." Linkin Park- "In the End" 3 Doors Down- "Kryptonite" "Let Me be Myself" Disturbed- "The Game"- When I had True Crime: Streets of LA, I had that song blasting while I was in shootout stages; very cathartic. "Down With the Sickness" Drowning Pool- "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" "Enemy"- Good lord, did they ever find someone to replace their late lead singer; does that man have pipes. Great video, too.
  11. I was being sarcastic in general, Gubaba (feeling punchy, I guess). Next time, I'll use the razz emoticon.
  12. "Robot Jox". God, the only good part of that movie is when the main character flipped off his rival during the press conference. We also don't need another freakng "Scary Movie", the horror horse is dead, guys. Another "Airplane" would be a toss-up, since it had star power, and the second one was rather good (especially Chuck Conner's(?) character, blowing up that fuel dump like that).
  13. I fixed my qoute in my above post, I bolded the author of that passage that Taksraven quoted.
  14. Ranger, Wasn't Macross created in 1982?
  15. More Faith No More... "Falling to Pieces". "Epic" (boy, was Bjork royally pissed when she found out what the band did to her fish; My view of the subject mirrors that of Scott Ian Rosenfeld- "F*ck P.E.T.A.."). Their version of "War Pigs" is rather good, but no where near as good as Ozzy Sabbath. Little known fact- A member of the band was the voice of "The Darkness" in the game of the same name. The amazing thing is that it was done without any enhancement.
  16. I was just going by what was printed on the box, which also had printed on it unlimited combat ceiling. I find that stange, like Ban-Dai didn't do its homework. Besides, the Fire Valkyrie is the only Mac 7 model I have, so I just went with what was printed on the box top (right on the face for all to see, no less).
  17. I bet that Leena modified her Gun Sniper a hell of a lot more than Han Solo did the Mellenium Falcon.
  18. Try haveing a pin-point barrier system and it's own space-fold system, you need a larger reactor than a standard VF-19 to pull that off (the model I have is a Japanese import from Ban-Dai that contained both fighter and battloid modes). Besides, since Babalon 5's Starfuries were unpressurized, I assumed that the original Macross and Macross II VFs were the same (it takes less power and money to keep a cockpit unpressurized than to have the life support system built into the suit). I called Basara a douche from what I've read on other forums, and from what I've read, the guy's arrogance rivals that of Dragon Ball Z Vegeta's. I should've reserved my judgement until I've actually watched the series.
  19. Let's not forget about firing flaming arrows at a picture of Saddam Heussein! TED NUGENT FOR FREAKING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!
  20. I like the Malcontent Uprisings storyline, but the other comics are mediocre at best. I happen to really like Michael Ling's artwork; the writing, especially in issue #7 is rather good. I've seen some scenes of Robotech and Macross II where the pilots when they were in space were wearing full sealed spacesuits, it's easy to see that the cockpits are unpressurized. It's the VF-19 Fire Valklyrie that I'm calling overpowered, since I have a model of the thing (I bought it at a hobby store that sold imports as well as domestic models); the freaking specs were written on the damned box.
  21. Well, we upgraded our normal Fallout 3 disk for the Game of the Year editon, and since we didn't know if the save game files transferred from normal to GOTY, we deleted everything related to Fallout 3 on the PS3 HD. I don't mind starting over, since Walter disappeared in my game (I must've pissed him off or someting). Oh and if you're planning on getting the GOTY srategy guide, keep your normal strategy guide, since the new one is nice and vague on directoins to GNR. Oh, and for you X-Play fanatics, this game made their Games for Cheap Bastards list.
  22. Remeber when Anthrax and Public Enemy did "Bring on the Noise"? Better than the orignial, in my opinion.
  23. Not to be sounding rude... When it first came out as a test run back in early 85, I caught Robotech on KTXH at 3:00pm CST and was hooked. Then the novels came out around '86 and collected those. I also started collecting the old Comico comics (lord, were those early issues ugly). I also started to collect the Eterity line (sadly my #1 got screwed up, but seeing the franchise I doubt it would be worth much in mint condition) of comics when they first came out in '87 (I have most of book 1, but only have #5 if book 2). In the early nineties I started collecting the Palladium roleplaying games (I have most of them, I'm only missing the adventure book Ghost Ship). About that time ('92) the Macross II roleplaying game came out and I snapped that up (I copied most of the mecha stats in that book and sent them off to Seto in a massive e-mail), which turned me on to the miniseries. I joined Robotech.com back in 03 (where I met Seto, Marrin, and Marshall among the members and cyc, azoric, and totalkrig among the moderators I could stomach), and around the same time started collecting the new line of comics. I bailed on the new comics after issue #6 when I saw where the storyline was heading (putting Johnathan Wolff on board the SDF-1 on its voyage killed it for me; dropping the Malcontent Uprisings storyline was not a good idea in my book). That began a long slide into disillusionment of the franchise. In 05 I was banned for posting a joke that Steve didn't take too well, and for a comment stating that any other storyline than the current one was basically put into the trash. The Robotech games were aslo the final nails in the coffin for the franchise (Battlecry was mediocre at best; Invasion sucked donkey dicks, not being able to change into motorcycle mode killed it; and the GBA release was basicly a Gradius ripoff). The only reason why I haven't said anything about Macross Frontier is that I have yet to see it. The reason why I can't stand Plus is how the stroyline was handled (amost no Zentran/Meltran, and haveing a psychopatic AI as an antagonist didn't help matters any). Also I haven't seen the Macross 7 franchise, but heard enough of it to turn me off (a sonic weapon that is used in space against mecha that have unpressurized cockpits? and a mecha that's so overpowered that it would be most likely banned as a weapon of mass destruction). Oh, and about my comment about the Lensman movie script being penned by the same author as the seires of books, I suffered a massive brain fart when I posted that, I apologise for that. It was the screenplay to "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" that was written by the author of the series of books, Douglas Adams. I saw that movie in the theatre, and saw his name in the opening credits, and well, confused the two movies.
  24. (1) I consider myself a Spanglerist, The Malcontent Uprisings happens to be some of his finest work, especially issue #7, what I lovingly call the Breetai solo story. (2) What kind of horseshit is that? The sole reason why they devoped the Tread/Beta is to have a sort of fast pack that can transform to back up the Alpha/Legios.
  25. Man, if you are ever a fan of Heavy Metal music, or Tim Schaffer, this game is for you. From the cast (which includes Rob Halford, Lita Ford, Ozzy Osbourne, Lemmy Kilminster, and Jack Black) to the signature Tim Schaffer humor, this game is over the top (Kilminster is actually a healer if you can imagine that). The game is about a roadie who finds himself in an alternate world where metal is a way of life. Every metal cliche is there, and the world looks like some eighties rock cover. The soundtrack is top notch, and is most likely the only place to hear the original tracks from Diamond Head and Budgie that Metallica used (Diamond Head's original version of "Am I Evil" is superior, Cliff Burton notwithsatnding; it both suprised and amused me that Budgie is led by a chick). The deuce coupe is a nice touch. I'll let you guys take the stage, so to speak, and give your own two cents. All I'll say is that it has both one of the most amusing start screens and opening cutscenes ever. F*ck all things that are glam and false metal!!!
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