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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. Try "Tango and Cash".
  2. I wasn't singling you out, Gubabba. I was pointing out that fact for those members of this site who did not know. I just used your quote as an example. I don't know, I just saw the movie long ago one Sunday on KTXH channel 20.
  3. The last episode of Lion Voltron tied together the two series (Pidge and Chip are brothers). They also made a movie a while back that had both Lion and Vehicle Voltrons side by side
  4. Unless Carl Macek was involved in the transformation of Gatchaman to Battle of the Planets, or Star Cruiser Yamato into Star Blazers, that sort of shenanagans has been going on for some time.
  5. This movie qoute says it all (I'll let you guess who said it). "Rambo is a pussy."
  6. Well, my guess was close. I forget that it's most aircraft plastic models that are scaled at 1/24.
  7. I take it that's a 1/24th scale of the original car. The other scale number confused me there for a moment.
  8. Kinda reminds me of one of the early Langston CSI episodes where three mental patients impesonated FBI agents to help take down an underground pitfighting juicing ring. Too bad two of the patients got killed in the process.
  9. ... You've got to be shitting me. I hate to say it, but the best Rambo parody has got to be from the king of parodies: "Wierd Al" Yankovic's homage during the fantasy scene in "UHF".
  10. ... ... Some people have too much time on their m*th*rf*ck*ng hands.
  11. Okay, I know I'm going to get hazed for asking this, but... I've seen most of DBZ (on CN, cut) "Tree of Might", "Word's Finest", "Dead Zone", and some of "Cooler's Revenge" and "Bardock, Father of Goku" (also on CN, most likely cut), but this question is about the other movies (one character in particular). Who the hell is Broly??? From what I gathered in various magazine ads, he's supposed to be this badass Saya-jin, but that's about it. It seems that I've been living under a rock DBZ-wise.
  12. I'm going to take a stab and say that #7 is not only Saya-Jin armor (I have a few Beckett books), but it's Vegeta's armor after getting his ass kicked by Son Goku durng the Saya-Jin Conflict Saga. #8 is definately Frieza.
  13. There, now the post makes more sense .
  14. On the little card that came with the game (you know the one with the code to download the Stone Prisoner for free) there's a code to download the ability to use a syut if Dragon Armor (I think it's Blood, I have to check the card) in Mass Effect 2.
  15. I was flipping througth the manual for Dragon Age: Origins, and was pleasantly suprised to find the following: Peter Renaday as the voice for Duncan (I recognized him from Assassin's Creed) Kate Mulgrew as Flemeth (I recognized her during my playthrough when my brother rented the game) Tim Curry as Arl Howe (I didn't recognize him, god, did Frank N. Furter do a good job hiding his voice) Simon Templeman as Loghain (Christ, Kain himself in this game "Cast him in.", another person I failed to recognize) Steve Blum as Ohgren (I'm not suprised there, since he's been doing anime and video games for a long while) I also found some other names I recognized: Cam Clarke (Ol' Maximillian Sterling himself) Jim Cummings Paul Eiding Wendee Lee Kim Mai Guest Ricard McGonagle Dwight Shultz I'm suprised that they didn't get Michael Bell and David Warner to do vocal work.
  16. I'm now streaming 107.5 The Eagle. Steve Miller Band "Rockin' Me" The Tubes "She's a Beauty" Derek and the Dominoes "Layla" The Eagles "Heartache Tonight" I just learned the Phil Collins of Genesis fame can no longer play the drums. He had neck surgery recently and now has no feeling whatsoever in his fingers. The doctors also say that the feeing will never return.
  17. Not to be rude, but doesn't this look like to be flamebaiting. I certainly hope not, because I sure as hell don't want this thread locked for that reason.
  18. It's not from a trailer. That shot is from the opening cinema that is played when you do nothing on the start screen.
  19. I see someone out there is drinking the utopian Flavor-Aid.
  20. Check his Tactics (The best analogy I have is the Gambit system from Final Fantasy XII) area of his character sheet. His presets probably geared along the lines of "There's the Enemy, let me give them a blade enima!" Fiddle with the tactics a bit so he doesn't run headlong into a battle where he ends up getting squeegeed. Ohgren is also probably geared twords being a Claymore Andre Dawson (or Leon Durahm if you will; ahh hell with it Barry Bonds, you guys happy now?). That's because two-handed weapons offer you less defense options than you would have if you either went twin baldes a al Drizzt Do 'Urden, or sword and board like your basic English knight. A high Constitution equivelent helps in this area, too.
  21. I saw the Limited Edition of the strategey guide for Dargon Age Origins over at Best Buy today. Damned thing costs about $38.00 thereabouts. It's hardcover and seems to be signed by all the people at BioWare (I'm thinking the signatures are replicas, though. My brother bought the game today and the softcover guide. Banter has always been a trademark for BioWare (and *ahem*Black Isle Studios*ahem* Obsidian for that matter), so it comes to no suprise to see it here. At least the banter isn't like Mass Effect, where it was limited to the lifts in the Citidel (nice way to hide the loading, guys).
  22. I do have a question, though, can you use X-BOX 360 gamerpoints to buy downloadable content. If so, once we have our Elite hooked up to the web we have some options open. The reason why I'm asking is because once we buy the game, I would like to get the Warden's Keep expansion, if only for the loot and new merchants.
  23. No, the PSP go wasn't designed to run UMD disks, but to get stuff directly via wireless internet. And yes, in my opinion, anthing legal a company does to *cough* rape the public *cough* get money from their fans, including rereleasing old games, is fair game.
  24. Well, since my brother just rented the game a few days ago, it stands to reason that I just started my first playthrough of the game (I'm planning on going through all six Origins once we by the game). Besides, this game deserves it's own thread, don't you think?
  25. Well, I'm right now in Chapter 1 of the Human Warrior's stroyline, haveing just finished the Origin, and I have to say that I'm qite impressed. Here's the rundown of my reviews of the game so far: Combat system: 7/10; basicly they took the Neverwinter Nights combat engine and gave it a major overhaul. Leveling up system: 8/10; the skill tree is'nt overwhealming and very intuitive. Story N/A; I haven't played enough of the game to give a review, so I"ll post it later. Character Creator: 7/10; rather good, not as deep as Oblivion, though. Vocal talent: 9/10; c'mon, this is BioWare, they definately learned their lessons from the vocal debacle known as Baldur's Gate 1. Graphics: 8/10 on the X-Box 360; very pretty, but no where as pretty as Mass Effect. Glitches: 1/10; some minor clipping issues, but what game doesn't have clipping? (trust me, a low score on this scale is a good thing, it measures severity of glitches). I'll give a full review later on.
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