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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. R. Lee Ermy has the best example describing the relationship of clips and magazines (Gotta love Mail Call). He attaches a paper clip to a periodical. His definition: "A clip helps get ammunition into the magazine." Comes from the glory days of the M1-Garand, where you had to shove a full clip of ammunition into the internal magazine of the weapon. A friend of mine has a M1-Garand.
  2. I forgot about that particular IP. Excuse me while I go pull my foot out of my mouth.
  3. Are you talking about Armored Core 2, Ace Combat 2, or some other game altogether? Because as you can see, there are mutiple games that fall under those initials.
  4. Just make sure that your Big Willy remains leashed.
  5. I hate to say it, but the knee joint of the top pic looks almost androidic.
  6. I had a friend in England when I was on Robotech.com. I wonder how goldfish (that's his Robotech.com's screename) is doing.
  7. Well, I'm now finally playing Persona 3 FES (which arrived early, thank you Amazon.com) and was pleseantly suprised to hear a few vocal actors. Dan Woren as Igor and Ikutsuki Shuji and the actor who did Vayne Aurelius in Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis as Sanada Akihiko. I hope to hear more recognizable actors the further I play. Why when they localize Japanese games the companies don't give the names of the Japanese characters in proper order (clan name first, given name second) is beyond me. The only localized game I've come across so far that gets it right was Front Mission 3.
  8. If you color in the way the bottom picture suggests, you'll mispell that character's Robotech name. Way to go, Harmony Gold guys.
  9. Well, they have two versions of the guide, a paperback one that covers all platforms and a limited edition hardcover one that is signed by the BioWare staff (wheter or not the signatures are real or facimilies, though). Wether you want to splurge is up to you.
  10. I think they did make a movie about the Oddyssey way back in either the 50's or 60's (either it was in the theatres or was a television movie, I don't know which).
  11. Why don't you just break down and buy the friggin' stragety guide?
  12. Okay, so it's been a while since I've seen that program. I admit I was wrong. This is the first entry of what I got when I googled "The kraken in Greek mythology".
  13. No suprise there, since Warner also owns Wildstorm publishing outright.
  14. I just remembered from watching the History Channel program about the gods that one of the Labors of Heracles was to kill the Kraken.
  15. I have the perfect place to let off your pent up frustrations. Go here.
  16. Go here and read what I posted there. Comment if you want to.
  17. Stone and Parker got their grubby mitts on that one a few years ago. And about the flick... ...Let's just say the movie has the first explicit love scene between two marionettes.
  18. I second that. Now excuse me while I go projectile vomit.
  19. It seems that your link's busted, Grand Admiral.
  20. I first came up with the screename around the same time I got Front Mission 3 for my birthday. A Wanzer is what they call mecha in the game series. And you're right, Robotch sucks, well it sucked when they started the new comic line.
  21. Gubaba's just pulling the same stunt I pulled on h(er)im. Point taken, Gubaba.
  22. I think it's the Robotech and HG debate thread, but I could be wrong.
  23. I just got Sten and Leliana in my party. The banter between Alistair and Francis (the pooch) was amusing.
  24. No matter how much CG you use, it still doesn't hold a candle to Ray Harryhausen's (sp?) excellent stop-motion animation work. Also, how can you compete with Sir Laurence Olivier and Burgess Merideth?
  25. All hail the almighty Strategy Guide. You can buy the book "Wonders of Thedas" from Denerim,
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