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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. I have to make a correction: The plot is described here.
  2. Set on the moon that was literally blown in half.
  3. I loved Space: 1999. It was a real classic.
  4. For all you Modern Warfare 2 fans... Here's Yhatzee's complete no-holds-barred review. Watch at your own risk for very frank and mature language.
  5. The only thing that exists in the animated series on that subject was the scene in Claudia Grant's quarters where there were three blood spots on the back of Roy Fokker (in the initial airings, there was a screenshot of it in Art 1; CN cut the freaking scene). It was in the novels where the flight crew discovered the blood in the cockpit.
  6. Okay, so Macek now workes here in Houston, so sue me. Check out Robotech Art 1 if you don't believe me, the shot "Scott Bernard's final shot" is taken from that scene where he turns Corg into a grease spot.
  7. Well he must've gotten the footage from somewhere, because I know what I freaking saw: An unarmored Corg being blown to bits by a Cyclone mini-missle.
  8. I'm afraid the only way this will be settled and put into the grave is if Macek himself comes in and gives the facts.
  9. Untrue? Horseshit. I will never quit sticking to it. That scene is burned in my freaking memory. Get it striaght.
  10. Yeah, not only did they do a hatchetjob to Megazone 23 to make "Robotech: The Movie" to somewhat bridge the gap between Macross and Masters, Macek used footage from an alternate ending to take care of The New Generation's Corg (being hit by a forearm missle point blank while not in armor will leave a nice mess for someone to clean up with a squeegee nicely) in the test airing version (Macek tested the seires in Houston on KTXH channel 20 close to the summer of '85 (either that, or after Labor Day of that year; I was sick on a school day around that time when I first caught the episode "Boobytrap"), but don't quote me on that, because it was damned near 25 years ago for me to remember clearly) of "Symphony of Light".
  11. I second that motion. They brought in the only thing that was cool in the Back to the Future franchise in that mod.
  12. Are you trying to make us all projectile vomit?
  13. Because they like the smell of their own ass-holes from having thier heads crammed up there all the time.
  14. Just break up the word. Metem-psychosis. It's easier to pronounce that way (Muh-tem-sai-co-sis).
  15. Just keep a telephone out of Crowe's hands.
  16. And on the topic of Dragon Age: Origins... Watch at your own risk.
  17. They already have that. It's called OBLIVION
  18. Sorry about that. "Be Bop a Lou Bop" threw me a curve there.
  19. Actually, bebop was a musical style popularized in the middle of the last century; Buddy Holly's work was a perfect example of bebop. My favorite episode just happens to be "Heavy Metal Queen"; the hangover scene was classic.
  20. I may not understand the kanji, but it looks like it will most likely be released in theatres on December 12 of this year in Japan. It does look kick ass.
  21. Oh, sort of like his G1 incarnation, I get it now. That was confusing.
  22. Now if there was someplace that would stream the various Macross series without any... ...excrement from HG or Big West for free, there would probably be a lot of happy people here.
  23. On a semiautomatic handgun, the clip is in the top part of the magazine.
  24. Then wouldn't that figure be Skywarp?
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