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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. I forgot about the AT fields. I also didn't realize that the fields were so uber. The fields kinda flies in the face of physics, don't they (i.e. the heat that the field system throws off would most likely boil the pilot alive)? I'm also not fond of the idea of using cockpits filled with highly oxygenated fluid in missions that don't require deep-sea or high-pressure operations (as brilliantly depicted in "The Abyss"). In addition, the stuff makes radio communications well nigh impossible (you can't talk with your resperatory system full of fluid), making it hell on squad tactics. It's been a few years since I've seen the show, so some of the details of what I saw of it are still a little fuzzy.
  2. Kansas: "Carry on Wayward Son" "Dust in the Wind" Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard: "Pancho and Lefty" Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings: "Lucanbach, Texas" The Highwaymen: "The Highwaymen" Toto: "Rosanna" "Africa" (I really love this song) Def Leppard: "Photograph" "Animal" * "Pour Some Sugar on Me" "Let's Get Rocked" ZZ Top: * "Tube Snake Boogie" * "Pearl Necklace" "Legs" "Sharp Dressed Man" "Doubleback" "My Head's in Mississippi" "Le Grange" (Texas, that is) *: You definately don't want to know what the lyrics really mean
  3. Christ, I second that. Next to Kevin, she's the second most annoying person on Attack of the Show.
  4. I hope taksraven doesn't mind, but... What the hell type of metal are those Evas made of? Most types of metal would slag, if not completely vaporize from being caught at ground zero of a tactical nuke.
  5. Watch Good Eats (I'll post the episode name later), Alton Brown knows what he's talking about. If you looked at my post (post #1160) on the subject, I did call the cantaloupe a muskmelon (as evidenced in the Wikipedia entry link you posted) I just mispelled the word canteloupe.
  6. Looks like the company got so cheap that they didn't put hands on the freaking Tread.
  7. I see you're not an Alton Brown fan. A muskmelon is what most people in the states mistakenly call a canteloupe.
  8. Most likely competing in this semester's Sasuke tournement (sp?). And before any of you give me any funny looks:
  9. I'm going to give a quote here, from our favorite villian. "Got it in one, Mr. Gerabaldi." Yeah, the military uniforms in the episode threw me there.
  10. How do like your tits, apple-sized or muskmelon-sized?
  11. Because it wasn't humans that were being graphicly dismembered. While on the subject, did Austrailia ban Borderlands? I'm asking because with some of the weapons (the ones with the explosive element, at least) it's quite easy to dismember someone (seeing some bandit's head pop like a zit brings a somewhat warm and fuzzy feeling to my heart). The acid (I don't see why they call these weapons "caustic", that term is way on the other end of the ph scale) are even more fun to use, because I love seeing armored foes literally melt on the screen.
  12. I thought the United States manufactured the giant mech that the brunette (I can't for the life of me remember her name) had to diffuse because the control rods went out of whack), It could've been some other country. The damned thing looked huge because the reactor.
  13. (1) You got me there, I bailed right after I couldn't remember if the EVAs had a 5 minute reserve power supply or just 1 minute, so I went with the one minute. (2) Non nuclear? I was thinking on giving it a low-yield nuclear warhead enema using the Metal Gear Rex's magnetic linear accellerator.
  14. More like a grazing blow to the balls; that's worse because you don't know when the pain will kick in.
  15. Silly me, I went by the novels. The authors probably thought it was more appropriate for him to ride an OBP. Whoops.
  16. That would be true for most of the young Hollywood actors, nowadays .
  17. Khyron rode atop an Officer's Battle Pod into battle during the episode when he kidnapped Lynns Kyle and Minmei. I thought that character's name was Anatole Whesphal Leonard.
  18. The reason why the carts and system were so expesive is that because the hardware and cartriges were an exact match for the stuff in the cabinet (the arcade cabinets basicly ran off of Neo-Geo cartriges).
  19. You know, the Wii has that shooter from the same bunch Cho-whatever-it-is (the one featured on Cinematech that has SamSon as a character) for download if you're willing to pay for it.
  20. I hope Scarlett Johansson can get the Russian accent down pat, or she will make a terrible Black Widow.
  21. I finally made 2nd Leiutennant in MW1. God, is online multiplayer in the game a blast. On the subject of grenade-spammers, don't let me catch you being one, or my MW1 avatar will personally take his combat knife and shove it up your ass (so I can get 20 points twords my next promotion ).
  22. What I found wierd is that the mechs in Evangelion were hampered by freaking electrical umbilicals. If I was the enemy, all I had to do was find the umbilical, cut it, and then wait in a nice, safe place until the mech shut down. I would then step out and blow the damned thing to pieces, just to eliminate the freaking threat (as well as for sh*ts and giggles).
  23. I know the truth about the first airing of The New Generaton... Corg gets turned into paste by a Cyclone mini-missle. I've had a running battle over at Robotch.com on the subject, and I'll be just as glad to have one here, which will not be stopped until Carl Mecek himself settles the arguement.
  24. Another decent one is Dark Star One, if you can get it to run on Vista, that is (which I can't ).
  25. The post where I stated that the moon was blown completely in half in Space: 1999.
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