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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. There's another spelling according to Siembieda's roleplaying game: Carbonarans. Seto and I wonder the same thing about that man: why he isn't sharing what he's smoking with the rest of the class!
  2. I finally made level 30 in MW2 multiplayer. Gotta love the heartbeat sensor (unless some sumbitch has the Ninja perk). I have equipped on my M4 (my Paingive Custom Class) and my default LMG (Heavy Gear Nut II CC; the handle really helps here). Too bad you can only have two attachments on each weapon, because I would've loved to stick the holographic sight on the LMG. I finally equipped the stinger missle on my Heavy Gear Nut II CC; I did so only after I got the challenge for the default launcher. I'll tackle the challenge for the grenade launcher later. The only time I start grenading people is if I'm after challenges, nothing personal; I don't spam symtex for your information.
  3. A few pairs of jeans An Amazon.com gift card A decent sized widescreen LCD television (nothing more than 32") NCIS seasons 5 and 6 on DVD Maybe Numb3rs season 1 on DVD
  4. Okay, befroe I annoy Gubaba anymore, I'll change the subject. Any thoughts on the series Caprica? Is it at least worth watching?
  5. Let me clarify, the acting was good (as good as it could be in a cheezeball seires), it's that the character sucked.
  6. I know. I was just being snarky and sarcastic with my last post is all.
  7. Sometimes it's hard to read sarcasm, especially if it's vague (I should know, I've done it more times than I can count). Because they're all (excuse my French here, guys) pussies!!!
  8. I was just suprised when I recognized him when I finally saw the reairing of the series when Sci-Fi channel finally got ahold of it (I think it was that network, don't quote me). Even though I liked him in the series, I just thought casting him as Boxxie was a big mistake.
  9. I was responding to lolicon's quoted remark, and didn't feel like going through the motions of quoting the post in question. Back on topic: before the lockhammer comes crashing down on all our heads. I believe that Harmony Gold's license is worth about as that as the Quilted Northern I use in the bathroom.
  10. I think it would be classified as pornography if the genitals were exposed to the camera lens. There was a big bruhaahaa about that concerning one scene of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" that depicted full fronal nudity of a male cast member.
  11. Every single episode sucked. The only reddeming factors of that series are that Adama, Boomer (lord did he look like an old fart in that series) and Dick Van Dyke's kid (I can't remember his first name) playing Boxxie are in it.
  12. I bet you're like Tony Montana in another way... You break neither your word nor your balls for no one!!! Actually another reason why Scarface got an X rating was for the over the top violence (I'm talking about the infamous chainsaw scene).
  13. Are you Mark Harmon, because you sounded a lot like Leroy Jethro Gibbs there; oh, wait, you didn't specify where on the head. The rating is basicly what types of games your PC can handle (basicly a dumbed-down version of system requirements) the higher the number, the better the games you can run. I bet you can run Crysis with almost no problems.
  14. I hope your PC has a Vista Rating of 5, otherwise you're S.O.L..
  15. I heard that movie was a train wreck that true X-Men fans despised. (I saw the first two movies; the first one was pretty good, but they totally screwed up Kurt Wagner in the second one).
  16. Man, does doug bendo know how to bait people, or what? And forcing VFTF1 to show his political views in violation of this site's rather loose TOU proves what a prick doug is. (boy, do I wish that there was a "give thy the finga" emoticon, like the old Solaris boards did) God, I feel bad that doug forced you to do that, VFTF1. Oh, and if you want to know, I'm as conservative as TED MOTHER-EFFING NUGENT!!!
  17. Case in point, in the Detective Conan (Case Closed) series, a couple of characters were regressed in age (including Conan).
  18. That's right, the AOC's 14 in Japan. Actually, her Robotech charcter's starting age was 15 (hence the episode title "Sweet Sixteen" in The Macross Saga). They would have to change the name of the title of that episode if they change her age to 18 at the beginning of the series.
  19. Good lord. I hope that is before he got screwed over by Megatron's Robo-Smasher (G1 referance here).
  20. Oh, good lord, an even bigger bullshit artist than MEMO. Have you learned your lesson on flaming, bub? You just about ruined my civil debate thread regarding the evolution differance of mecha between U.N. Spacy and the R.D.F/R.E.F. with your antics over in Robotech.com. Wasn't Lynn Minmay, and maybe all main characters of the original Macross series, for that matter, supposed to have been over 18?
  21. He played Worf in the Next Generation/Deep Space Nine/Voyager timeline. He also played the grandfather Worf in the movie "Star Trek VII: The Undiscovered Country".
  22. Here is a link to a pic of Whiplash in all of his personas.
  23. Man, you must've studeid under Rapheal, because your artistry with bullshit is impressive.
  24. Good freaking lord... Nosgoth's vampire KAIN, the ultimate example of Dungeons and Dragons True Neutral!!!
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