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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. Somone bastardized the Macross 25th anniversary logo, that's all.
  2. ... ... Idle hands are the devil's workshop. Or to put it another way, people has too much freaking time on their hands.
  3. Sorry, I get tunnel vision when I try to help people with links.
  4. why not try ordering it online from their website? You buy it from there and pick it up at your local Wal-Mart.
  5. I think this is what you're looking for.
  6. Christ, that looks good. Any chance for a U.S. release? I hope the dub won't be terrible.
  7. You never met a roleplaying game rules lawyer, have you? Back on track... "Landing thrusters, landing thrusters. Where would I be if I were a landing thruster? This or nothing." Gotta love Londo Malari.
  8. I was going by the roleplaying game. In the West End Games version (2nd. Edition, Revised), the rules for non Force-sensitive characters wielding a lightsaber are brutal.
  9. That is one series where the Engilsh dub is actually one of the better ones (I saw most of the series when the network formerly known as International Channel (I forgot what the new network name is, but I know it's not Imaginasian) showed it).
  10. That will never happen, the next government bailout will see to that.
  11. I can relate. Trying to beat Mass Effect 1 before the second one comes out while levelling up my Modern Warfare 2 profile does take up a lot of time.
  12. That would apply to any Dr. Who show, past or present. Another Star Wars moment. "And I thought they smelled bad..." *a few gasps* "...on the outside." And the suprising thing about that scene is that a lightsaber was used by a non-Force-Sensitive without slicing himself open.
  13. Another Babylon 5 referance... "Jump, JUMP NOW!!!"
  14. If I'm a ship crewman in the Babylon 5 universe it would be these two words: "Ramming speed!"
  15. In Modern Warfare 2 news... I made Leuitennant Colnel in online multiplayer! I also completely got everything for the Aug (my favorite weapon so far in the franchise; lord, does Steyr make excellent weapons). And on the Borderlands front, "The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned" is rather entertaining as well; just don't start the thing with 1st. level characters, or you will get your ass handed to you on a silver platter (it's designed to be played right after you beat the game and tie up all loose ends in the first playthough).
  16. He better only put that moniker on the Destroids, because the Valkyries fall under the jurisdiction of the Navy.
  17. I back you up. Those two scenes were tame, in my opinion, compared to other stuff out there (okay, the finger is bad, but not over the top).
  18. Actually we do have another year. The calender we use today is based off a Roman calender, which at the time of conception did not have the concept of 0!!!, and was numbered in Roman numerals. So the year 2010 is the last year of the 2000's decade (2001-2010).
  19. Two scenes in the uncut version come to mind (mind you, it was when CN aired the uncut version), both involving Recoome. One scene where he flips Son Goku off, and another after Son Goku mops the floor with him, his bare ass is exposed to the air (until Vegeta literally sends him to Hell, that is). Another brilliant censoring move for the series (no sarcasm here, folks) was changing the name of Hell to "Home For Infinite Losers".
  20. It was another of Konami's cookie-cutter 4-player brawlers ala X-Men, Simpsons, etc...
  21. You should fix your signature. YouTube removed the video in link you provided for a TOU violation.

  22. I thought the original series was set far into the future, since during one episode the Galactica picked up a faded transmission of the Apollo 11 Eagle lunar landing. Then 1980 came, and well...
  23. From the title of the thread, I thought this would be about the next chapter in the "Chronocles of Riddick" series. Oh, well, carry on, guys.
  24. Holy hell, no on count 1. No comment on count 2. Damn, Wilbur the voice of Keyop? I am impressed. I guess he's kinda like Frank Welker in that respect.
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